Walking Straight In

As true killers that roamed this brutal forest for years, the three Holy Kings didn't make any aggressive actions. 

All foes in here at least have some understanding of what they're getting into. Even without direct combat strength, there were still other means and methods to kill enemies.

The middle stage expert's tone was icily cold as he said, "You should know how this works. If you want to fight, you may have some unique demonic skills to struggle with, but none of us will fear you. If you still want to live, just give up 60% of your soul for us to absorb. You'll need to teleport back to the city, but it's better than dying a miserable death, right?" 

No matter how arrogant these brutal cultivators were, uselessly fighting when there are evident better solutions would seem like the better case. 

Still, these Holy Kings truly didn't hold either Cain or Luo Na in that much of a high regard.