The Changed Planet

Seconds later and Cain finally stopped. 

When the girls blinked, they all furrowed their brows at a sight betraying their expectations. 

None of them saw anything. There was only more empty outer space in this area. 

The girls were about to question Cain's moves. 

But Cain suddenly teleported again before anyone could talk. He teleported hundreds of miles deep into this seemingly empty region. 

When he stopped again, Amber, Kali, and Luo Na completely froze. Their eyes widen. Jaws slightly hung open. 

It was surreal to actually feel it. And yet, despite being in a far inferior mortal realm, their divine minds were actually detecting dense Heaven and Earthe's divine essence and Dao source essence energy! 

And it wasn't simply dense for the mortals. No, the dense environment was that pure enough to match any middle realm in the God Galaxy!