The Inner Ridge

Space twisted all around them for a moment. 

The next moment, Cain's group was quickly engulfed in that comforting warmth of sunrays once again. 

They back inside Monarch Celestial Flame's personal chamber. 

When appearing, Monarch Celestial Flame joyfully laughed. "Haha! Well, well, I see that my dear grandchildren and young heroes made great advancement in their divine minds." 

"Mn. Praiseworthy indeed." Elder Wu and Yijun agreed. Though, they were specifically talking about Cain's group.

These elders were simply able to feel a layer of profoundness that wasn't there before Cain's group had left. 

The vibrations of their divine and Dao auras were slightly more complex. Their law principles would easily baffle the divine minds of early stage grandmasters with their simple natural presence.