A Mystical Art

Cain, Kali, and Luo Na directly ignored all the stares. It took all of a second for Cain's Chaos Soul Sense to identify the most useful cultivation art for them. 

He mentally told the girls, 'Follow me. Found something good for us all.' 

Neither Kali nor Luo Na had any disagreements. They quickly follow right behind Cain's steps. 

As the trio moved, the other geniuses began to form their questions. All watched as the trio came in front of a particular cultivation scroll. 

This scroll was a bit more isolated from others. The Dao aura radiating around it made it both difficult to approach and gave those with weak comprehension a mind-splitting headache. 

But nothing could stop Cain. He casually waved his hand to ripple his soul energy. Dazzling lightning-destruction essence flashed the world. 

Nothing was able to resist. The soul energy instantly dispersed all obstacles in Cain's way.