Martial Core

For a moment, Cain suddenly thought about the novels in his previous life. Those short arcs where a good amount of time was spent on auctions, concerning who was coming and what was being brought on stage. 

Perhaps if Cain was in the mortal realms or even before his Divine Ruler ascension, he would've treated the auction more seriously. 

But current Cain had very high standards. He needed it as his Inner World cultivation is utterly unfathomable at this point. 

He and Kali need the very best of Inner World resources in order to keep their Inner Worlds thriving. 

It's why Kali as well didn't treat this auction too seriously. Only watching on with an amused glance. Luo Na was as calm as ever when faced with a divine auction. 

While Empress Kui didn't dare to make any bid on her own. She watched the trio's reaction, fully intending on supporting whatever they bid they might want to make. 

The auction smoothly continues on.