
"Hahaha!!" Kali's wild giggles stormed through space. "Half-step King, Quasi-Supreme and cosmic force! I want to see those damn Supremes now!" 

Cain wryly smiled at Kali's brazen excitement. And at that moment, a certain tingling sensation coursed through his soul. 

'Oh?' Cain tossed a gaze over at Luo Na. He subconsciously smiled as if it was an instinct. 

Luo Na turned slightly more radiance from her minor breakthrough. Her presence was more ethereal, pure like a blessed angel from the heavens. 

Any soul would fall prey to her utmost noble elegance. Even Cain nodded at her. 

Luo Na noticed his little action without even having to look at Cain. She instinctively nodded at him as well. 

The trio then took a divine step forward. They safely got close to each other without any intervention from the cosmic layer.