Waves Of News

"And you're very welcome for that. I don't suppose there will be any more interesting enough kids to fight, right?" Kali casually spoke. There was a subtle sense of smugness within her. 

Truth be told, she hated having to hold her words around Empress Kui. Now with her current cultivation, she gave no damn about having to slightly suppress her mind. Empress Kui didn't mind anything and shook her head. 

"No, there really won't be anyone else left that can provide an intriguing enough challenge to us. All of our special bloodlines, unique moves, or strange cultivation arts will fall flat when faced with absolute power." 

At that moment, Empress Kui paused for a short second. 

She nearly hesitated but her daring side won in the end. She directly asked, "And martial siblings. After this, will you three be busy with anything else?"