
Dark holes from the shattered-apart open space briefly appeared and spewed out chilling waves of the void space. They only lasted a moment before quickly repairing themselves. 

The color of the sky quite literally darkens beneath the blazing divine lights of the chaotic clashes. Everything around them looked to be a scenery ripped straight out of total doomsday. 


Xuegang was actually forced to rapidly raise her Dao powers to set up a barrier even while she was a good hundred meters away from the martial exchange. 

She was truly in breathless wonder. Seeing the power of these unfathomable geniuses broadened her horizons more than ever. 


Close to the raging shockwaves, Song Shen and Yang Yimu were actually forced to take a few heavy steps back. Their protective Dao auras were continually shaking, nearly on the verge of gaining cracks. 

With cold snorts, the duo flowed out of their Dao power to remain stable.