Blood Essence

Behind the Lightning-Destruction sword light, Cain, Kali, and Luo Na were safely inside the Venerate Dao barrier. They too were looking at the scenery with considerable amazement. 

This would be the closest they get so far in seeing the power of Heavenly Venerates in action! 

Shi Wei's bout with that peak Perfection Heavenly Venerate could not count. Her unfathomable Dao power was too high, to the point, that the faintest pulse of her Dao principles pulled everyone into a trance where they could see and think of only purple. 

Now, there was no such a trance distracting the trio. For a full moment, everything seemingly froze. 

Both overwhelming sword lights had a standoff, one seemingly waiting for the other to strike. 

But not even a moment later, chaos instantly erupted. 

The Celestial Sword talisman mercilessly slashed down. 

The Lightning-Destruction talisman crushed down everything in its path.