
"You-" Master Shadow blinked. He stalled for a moment before his body suddenly alleviated with tension. "Since it's you saying it, then I am much more hopeful for our future. Alright, we wasted enough time here. Let's go." 

The Dao barrier covering the wasted land suddenly vanished. At the same time, the two unfathomable dragons vanished into the void space. 


Time flowed like a stream of river. 

Days, to months to years swiftly passed in the blink of an eye. 

To even most mortal cultivators, years passing in cultivation was nothing at all. 

In what seemed like a blink of an eye, five years have already passed since Cain's group went to the Demi-God inheritance. 

Their mysterious leave and five-year absence did cause some rumors to stir among the Ancestral Star Region. But it was more expected to just believe that the trio went on a long excursion to further their Dao.