Their Ticket In

Lan Kui took the lead in the group. She swiftly soared through the air, everyone else following close behind her. 

Their speed was practically at light, thus it did not take long to near a glorious sight in the horizons. 

A gargantuan city, radiant in this dazzling black flow of light entered Cain's group vision. For a place known for heinous criminals, the standard here was completely comparable to any divine city across the Heavens. 

The shimmering Dao runes exuded waves of sensation to enlightened mortals, the unfathomable cultivators flying in and out of the city, everything served to make Basilisk City a haven for even Holy King's level of talent. 

Lan Kui serenely leads the group close to the city. But as they flew, all of them curled their brows, their divine senses detecting massive waves of auras breeze over them.