Lending A Hand

Cain's eyes scanned the Divine Art laid bare before him, recognizing intricate patterns of interwoven laws and energies. Though its power was undeniable, his perception told him that even Divine Arts had limits. 

True might didn't solely rely on the skill itself; the user's combat prowess played a decisive role in its execution. Yet, such arts still held immense value – a cultivator of average strength could erupt with surprising ferocity as long as the skill could be activated. The potential for widespread empowerment was undeniable.

He glanced at Kali, her face shining with a mix of triumph and the hunger for further improvement, then back at the divine ice sword. His Chaos Mind delved into its structure, dissecting the flow of Dao principles it embodied. 

He admired her progress – Kali was a genius, her grasp of laws exceeding even the favored scions of the heavens. But even within perfection, there was always room for refinement.