Golden Bloom

Cain, Kali, and Luo Na could only blink as the true scope of the disparity between the upper echelons and the rest of the cultivation world began to sink in. These were the heaven-defying monsters of legend, the top one percent among geniuses, possessing talent that could not be rivaled.

The mere thought of it was enough to smother lesser geniuses in a miasma of dread and despair. 

But not Cain. Not Kali. Not Luo Na. Far from being cowed, Kali's smile only widened, a glimmer of mockery dancing in her eyes. "Well, that just makes it more fun, doesn't it? It's about time we had some real competition!"

Though Luo Na remained silent, the determined light in her gaze spoke volumes. Cain, too, felt the corners of his mouth curling upwards in a calm smile. 

Elder Zhelan was visibly taken aback by their response - how could they remain so unruffled in the face of figures who dwarfed even the Elders who had lived for millions of years?