Ruins Of The Past

Without a word, Feng Yun poured the full might of his divine sense into the orb's matrix, golden light flaring from his eyes as he activated the ancient treasure. 

At his silent command, the lingering essence energies that saturated the ruins came alive, flowing into the crystal in shimmering ribbons of iridescent energy.

The power within the orb surged to dizzying heights as it greedily absorbed the ambient essence, growing so incandescent that even Zan was forced to avert his gaze lest he be blinded by the glare. 

Hairline fractures spiderwebbed across the crystal's surface as it trembled violently, pushed to the very brink of shattering by the ungodly forces it sought to contain.

But just as it seemed the orb must surely fly apart, the raging storm of energy within abruptly collapsed in upon itself, coalescing into a pair of startlingly lifelike images.