Staying True To Oneself

It was a troubling thought. In their previous encounter at the Demi-God inheritance cave, they had barely survived being pursued by the geniuses of the Grand Celestial Sword, Supreme Soul Void, and Divine Frost Time sects. 

Only after achieving breakthroughs from the Extremity Dao were they able to finally overwhelm their pursuers. Now they faced the prospect of making an enemy of the very peak geniuses of the entire world.

Cain, Kali, and Luo Na knew that if they were to have any hope of overturning this dire situation, they would need to achieve a massive breakthrough in their own power. 

And so, without further delay, they set off in search of the Book of Stories once more, Cain taking point as he guided them with his peerless Chaos Mind.

Little did they know that thousands of miles away, in the heart of Crystal Jade God City, a ripple of space had just broken open, heralding the arrival of the battered sword disciples.