Violent Escape

With a quick sweep of his enhanced senses, Cain took in the sight of their would-be captors. 

Four wore the resplendent Dao robes of the Grand Celestial Sword Sect, while the other four were clad in the equally impressive regalia of Divine Frost Time Sect. 

An icy chill ran down Cain's spine as he realized that among the eight, four were undoubtedly Late Stage Heavenly Venerates, while the rest were at the peak of the Middle Stage – monstrous experts whose power far eclipsed the geniuses of the Seven Star Holy Lands.

The leaders of the two groups, Venerate Light Sword and Venerate Divine Mist, stepped forward, their auras alone causing the earth to tremble. 

Venerate Divine Mist smiled, his voice smooth as silk yet laced with unmistakable menace. "It really is a wonder what we should do with you now that we have you here. Your crimes are inexcusable, but it would be a waste to simply dispose of you—"