More Of Them

Frowning thoughtfully, Cain turned to look behind him, but no sign of the twisted valley remained, only more shattered masonry stretching off into the horizon. He pondered the implications of his metamorphosis, the radical alteration in the fabric of his existence. 

There could be no doubt - he had at last condensed a genuine Dao Heart, the unbreakable keystone upon which all future cultivation would be built.

As if in answer to his unspoken questions, twin novas of dazzling radiance suddenly bloomed to either side, their achingly familiar auras soothing 

Cain's spirit and bringing a faint grin to his lips. The glare receded to reveal the matchless silhouettes of Kali and Luo Na, their eyes mirroring the same fathomless transformation that had reshaped Cain, that same adamantine serenity and purpose.