A Young Dragon God

The vortical transition was all but instantaneous. One fragmented segment of spacetime's perpetual flow, and they materialized amidst a realm of jagged, towering mountain peaks arranged in intricate patterns dictated by arcane Dao runes that still glittered brilliantly despite weathering the eons for millions of rotations around this plane's celestial nuclei.

An enigmatic, ethereal beauty permeated every contour of this breathtaking panorama, with the very air itself seeming to resonate with an undercurrent of regality - as if they had transcended into the cosmic vicinity of one of the universe's most hallowed sovereigns.

Neither Cain, Kali, nor Luo Na felt the slightest twinge of imposed restraint or suppression in this sanctified demesne. 

Yet Luo Na's senses flickered with attunement to some primal, instinctual emanation of imminent danger.