Young Kings Determination

But for all the grandiose spectacle blazing across the battlefield, Kali appeared entirely indifferent, her lips quirking into a bored scowl as she lazily flicked her fingers radiating with icy power. 


Lances of sharpened divine ice shot forth in streaking blurs, an endless hailstorm of frozen destruction raining down upon the valiant vestiges of the Heavenly God Sect's desperate final gambits. 

The razor-edged rime sliced through the projections and protective auras as if they were little more than insignificant mist, freezing the Heavenly Dao principles and suppressing every belated technique before they could reach their full world-shaking potential.

Explosions of condensed energy stirred the aether in bursts of stellar ruination as the life-saving methods were shattered apart into glittering clouds of frozen particulates, the once proudly luminescent auras dulling to lifeless sparks flitting in the celestial winds.