Ancient Dragon Ritual

In an instant, the Dragon elders and their patriarch fell to their knees, kowtowing with every fiber of their being in absolute reverence. More radiant, unfathomable auras surged forth from across the immortal palace as what seemed like hundreds of peak Divine figures materialized, only for their terrifying presence to immediately humble themselves before Shi Wei's infinite might.

A stunningly beautiful woman who felt like the court's singular matriarch dropped to her knees, her thunderous voice echoing across palace and city alike: "All glory to the infinite Shi Wei, our Sacred Dragon Saint! Your illuminating presence graces us once more!"

Shi Wei simply nodded, waving a hand with regal elegance. "Be at ease, my children. I am not one for excessive grandeur."

At her serene words, the kowtowing experts slowly rose, though none dared meet her infinite gaze directly.