Then, with a sound that defied description, Cain's fist made contact with the Fate-Destroying Dao Tribulation.
The word doesn't do justice to the cataclysmic explosion that followed. It was as if a thousand supernovas had detonated simultaneously. The very foundations of reality shook, trembling under the force of the collision between Cain's will and the iron laws of Fate.
The sea of golden and black lightning that had seemed so impenetrable just moments ago burst apart like a bubble. Arcs of celestial electricity scattered in all directions, momentarily revealing a massive hole in the tribulation's defenses.
But the Fate-Destroying Dao Tribulation was not so easily overcome. Even as Cain's punch tore through its initial layer, the golden and black lightning began to reform with frightening speed. The scattered bolts coalesced, rapidly converging to engulf Cain's form once more.