Sirius raised his little hands to touch the familiar lovely face before him.

"Uwaahhhh..." Papa!! It really is you!! Papa!!

Rasheed noticed his baby son's round little hands raising to touch him. He bent down letting his sonny explore his face. The round little fingers felt so soft and small. The touch was lighter than a feather's. But it made his skin tingled with something inexplicable.


Rasheed heard his baby son smile as if he were very happy. The little baby's rainbow coloured eyes were shimmering with bright sparkles, as if stars were raining down into it. And his lovely eyes were staring straight into Rasheed's own, staring and staring with a bright smile attached on his lovely face.

"~sonny~" Rasheed exclaimed affectionately as he cradled his son to sleep.

Sirius was just born. His eyes relaxed being in the arms of his family. It wasn't long before he couldn't resist the desire to close his eyes. When he did, he feel into a deep sleep.


**stomp. stomp**

"Sshhhhh..... Rahad, lower your voice!! You will wake him up." A boy's voice spoke.

"What? But I am!! To the point I am whispering right now." Rahad refuted to the one who spoke just now.

Sirius who was half awoken suddenly jolted his eyes wide open. When he did he saw three young boys hovering around his cradle, all three of them arguing with each other.

"Tsk. Maybe it's because your voice is naturally so loud that even your whispering still sounds like shouting to me." The one who spoke first said this to Rahad again.

"You always try to find reasons to argue with me. Raputa, just because you are a year or two older than me doesn't give you the right to nitpick everything about me every single time!!"


"Yes what you!!!"

The two side eyed each other.

"Enough you two. Is arguing the only thing you know?" The oldest out of the three stopped his younger siblings from fighting.

"But brother Rimius, he started it first!!" Both of them shouted at the same time.


A sudden mellow laughter made the three of them pause in place. The three of them turned their attention back to their baby brother. When they turned their eyes to look at him, the small round baby was looking back at them. With a lovely smile on his face, his small lips parted open revealing his toothless mouth, with a little bit of sliver thread falling out from the corner of his mouth, he raised his little pink hands in the air, shaking them a bit.

"Ahh.....Wawa..." Bother Hue, Brother Zack and Brother Weinz... It's nice to see you again ahhhhh!!!

The three of them looked at each other.


Their cheeks blushed as they looked at their little baby brother. Rahad couldn't contain himself so he went ahead and poked those plump pink cheeks with his fingers. He did it lightly and carefully. The skin of their baby brother felt so smooth. It was softer than anything he has ever touched, as if even a little force would leave a scratch.

"Hey! Be careful! Your hands are so rough it might wound him!" It was Raputa again.

Rahad glared at him. Just when he was about to refute he felt a grip on his finger. It was their baby brother. His little toe bean fingers were wraped around Rahad's, grabbing his one finger. As this happened their baby brother let out a lovely squealing sound.

"Ohhh! He likes it!! HE LIKES MEEEE!" Rashad screamed happily, his cheeks blushing happily.

"Tsk." Raputa clicked his tongue. "So Noisy."

"What Noisy? Just admit that you are jealous!"

"Jealous of what? You? No way in hell!"


Sirius watched his two brothers argued back and forth. This scene, it was so damn similar to his past. His two brothers were always at each other's neck. They argued over every little things. But as much as they argued with each other, both of them were like head and tail, unable to remain apart from each other. And if one was absent the other was bound to miss him. These two had a really funny brotherhood between them.

"He has been lying in the cradle for too long. Should we take him for a walk?" Raputa suggested.

Walk!! Outside? Oh hell yeah! I would love to!! Sirius shook his hands to get their attention. When he successfully got their eyes on him, he gestured with his little hands, asking them to pick him up.


The three of them stared at their brother then back at themselves.

"Mother will be angry." Rimius spoke.

"Father will be angry too." Rashad added.

"So, are we going for a walk or are we not?" Raputa asked them both.

The three of them looked back at their baby brother.

"Waaawaaauaa....Uwu..." Sirius was dying to see his surroundings. He wanted to go with them!!

"...." The three of them sighed. Rimius bent over. He carefully held his baby brother in his arms.

"It will be on you, Brother Rimius." Both Raputa and Rahad said this to the eldest.

"Alright fine. Let's go."

Sirius was very happy. He couldn't help but utter words of joy, unaware that his baby language sounded very funny to those who heard him.

Pffttt... Watching their baby brother all excited as he let out funny noises, Raputa could barely contain his laughter.

Fortunately for him, Sirius was busy looking around. They were walking down a huge alley. When he looked up the ceiling was wayyy up there. And the walls were also very long. The interior structure of the building was designed like those European castles he had seen in movies. Even the colour of the building was golden.

"Don't tell me all of this is made from real gold?" Sirius couldn't help but celebrate happily. It seems that his demand for a luxurious life has been fulfilled.

When they were outside, he was in for an even bigger surprise.

The golden expanse before him left him in awe. Even the trees and soil were golden. The bright sunlight fell down on the land, lighting up the surface with a bright golden shade. The reflection of it decorated the bright blue sky, creating golden auroras above the land.

Holy shit!! What is this place? Is this a paradise of gold or something? Sirius couldn't help but feel exhilarated at the sight before him. He wanted to see more.

"Augg...." Tugging on Rimius's clothes, he tried to get his attention.

"What is it baby chan?" The three of them looked at Sirius curiously.


Three pair of shoulders flinched.

"Goodness! The three of you almost gave me a heart attack. I have been looking for Rius all this time. it's time to feed him."

"Mother. Father." Rimius immediately went over to her then he handed the baby to her.

Sirius looked up at his mother, who looked exactly the same as in his past life except for those rainbow hair and eyes.

"There. There. Rius, its time to feed you. You must have been hungry."

Now that it was brought to light, Sirius indeed felt hungry. He sucked onto his mother's breast.

The family went back inside their huge castle.

"So my name is Rius." Sirius thought to himself. For a second he forgot that this was his new life. Not his past life.