Ch 02


August 04, 1990


10:30 p.m.

Dear Diary,

I had a lot of fun today. It is one of the memorable days of my life because today is my birthday. This year also we didn't have a birthday party as my father was as always busy with his work.

But the good thing is that my father allowed me to choose a birthday present from the antiques in the basement

I choose a rather old pocket watch.i didn't know why but it just felt right,

This watch, though a little worn, was still shiny, and its face was grimy but intact. I took it down from that shelf and then almost dropped it- it felt warm, alive,

This was a pocket watch, one of those beautiful old things that every gentleman used to carry, with that satisfying tick marking each second. They reminded you of every moment's passing....

I put it in my pocket and ran toward my room and as I write this entry; the watch is still in my pocket.i didn't open it or tinker with it...


As I read the last entry again sighed and rubbed my temples everything led to dead end.

The pocket watch is missing and what happened after he opened the watch is still a mystery and this is rather concerning for what killed the previous Marcus can kill me too..

"Well, let have some help shall we" I stood from the chair and closed the dairy, then lay myself on the bad.

"Sunny,sunny "I called twice, then I heard a pop sound as a small creature my height appeared in the room

"Young mester, you called sunny, " the house elf said in a high squeaky voice as turned his big watery eyes toward me.

It was rather weird seeing a house-elf for the first time but I kept my curiosity to another time as I replied with a tired voice "sunny did you see the old pocket watch I took this morning from the basement "

Sunny blinked as those big eyes closed then opened " no young master but sunny will search for it "

I expected such answer so I just nodded " good, sunny you search the house and I will have a little rest as I'm tired "

With another pop, sunny disappeared and I closed my eyes to sleep a little, all the events that happened today were too much for me so i just cleared my mind and rested myself on the bad....


It was close to 4 in the afternoon when I woke up

The same unfamiliar room greeted me as to kill any hope I have that the earlier event was just a dream..

"Sight " with a tired face I left my room to explore the house as I needed to find the bathroom

And the bathroom was just across my room so I took off my business and washed my self, returned to my room, changed my clothes then sat again on the chair.

As sunny hasn't yet returned that means that she's yet to find the watch so let focus on other thing for now.

My memories have completely merged with Zen and fortunately there was no problem except some carvings to see zed old friend especially his fiance and love Shirayuki and this will be a problem in the future especially from the romance department because I can't see myself with another women other than her ....really this Zen is just so obsessed with her.

Other emotions can be regulated with occlumency but love is a hard subject as it was still being studied in the department of mystery in the ministry and don't forget that what really stopped the killing curse was lily love for harry...

Except that Zen gave me a solid foundation as he was a prince,so thing like etiquette, politics and leadership was a natural thing for him... and more was the swordsmanship and other thing he know ....

The other that I found was that Zen was a very hard person in the trusting department of course as prince it difficult feat to make him trust you and that good for me...

To summarize things other some minor issues, merging with Zen gave more advantages than problems....

Now to the real Goldfinger I have in this world was the level 9 fool sequence card...

On the surface I didn't feel any major changes except the leap in my intelligence and memorizing....

For danger intuitions there were still no opportunity to test it as I still haven't left the house....

As for divination with it different type and the mystic arts there is still one steps from what i remeber so I can use them.... and that is called Cogitation as I remember the dialogue between Klein and old Neil when Klein first drank the level 9 seer potion

"Mr. Neil, when can I learn how to Cogitate?"

"You can learn it now. The initial steps of Cogitation are relatively simple. It's even more so for Beyonders," said Old Neil with a smile. "Just now, producing an object in your mind to divert your attention and turning the energy seepage inwards is actually the first step to Cogitation. Try doing it again."

"Let your brain go somewhat blank. Exchange the object you imagined. Use something that does not exist in this world, an object you imagine completely out of thin air."

"You have to follow this rule. Only by doing so can you enter Cogitation. Only then can you exceed the concept of 'I.' The limitless 'I' will be become one with the universe, giving you the ability to see and understand the truth. You will get knowledge only you yourself can understand. In the domain of mysticism studies, it's called a Mystic Experience," said Old Neil using a pacifying tone. "You just need to listen to the descriptions that I'll get to later. What's most important is to enter Cogitation."

As I followed these steps, I found my self imagining many different things I saw in movies.animes. manga finally I stopped on the most powerful object I think of and that of course the death note.....

As imagined it shape , texture,and the rules to use it my mind started entering a very ethereal state then i started hearing a very strange words "Hornacis… Flegrea… Hornacis… Flegrea… Hornacis… Flegrea…"

But I didn't panic as this a step Evry beyonder have to take as the shape of the death note started materializing in my mind the whispers stopped and my mind calmed down as I completed the very first step to Cogitation.... and the death note became my mental trigger to use my beyonder powers....

Now it time to use the first thing which is spirit vision and if I remember clearly I have to raise my hands and place them on my face in which my index's finger has to be facing each other but not touching....

Then focus on the spot behind my fingers .... as i did that a blue color nearly blinded me .... after doing a couple of time the colors started stabilizing to form a very captivating picture filled with different colors ....

And to understand this different color we have old Neil simple explanations as he said to Klein and I quote...

Old Neil coughed and continued, "Let's return to the Ether Body and the colors of the auras. Your limbs and parts that are required in motion will appear red. Your head and brain's surface will appear as purple. Spots that excrete waste will appear orange. The digestion system will appear as yellow. The heart and other regulatory systems will appear green. Your throat and other parts of the nervous system will appear blue. An entirely balanced body will make a body be cloaked in white… That is a symbol of health.

"Once it turns dark or the thickness thins, the color will change. That indicates that the corresponding spot has turned problematic. It means it's in a state of exhaustion or illness.

"In addition, the inner layer of the Astral Projection represents prevailing emotions. Red means passion and excitement. Orange means warmth and satisfaction. Yellow means happiness and extroversion. Green means calm and peace. Blue means coldness and stillness that one is in thought. White means brightness, an eagerness to improve. Dark colors mean worry, sorrow, and silence. Purple means that spirituality is taking control of the lead, coldness and estrangement…"

I have to say the spirit vision is very wonderful ability to have as I looked to my self in the mirror I saw varying different color but a very reassuring white haze around me to show that my body is very healthy .....

as I kept using spirit vision my head started hurting me so I had to switch of .. well you know my mental trigger but mental trigger need a matching physical trigger to which I decided it to be just a simple two taps with my right hand index finger to my temples....

As for Mysticism it have many different areas but for a seer level beyonder can only touch the divination part .....

as divination can be broken into three diffrent divination art to which I can only use the first form the Spirituality Method.... and that can be broken into three different ways

As the first two method need special tools to use I decided to try the third way the Dream Divination

So I lay my self on the bad and said " where is the old pocket watch I took this morning " seven times as I glided to a dream but I didn't see an anything that can answer my questions.....