Killing Spree (Edited)

After calling his "friends" to come pick him up, Zach carefully weave the illusion of the dead man over his form as he waited for them to come.

Going from an athletic build of 5'7" with a cute teenagers' face to a guy in his early twenties, with a handsome enough face to get looked at twice, but not good enough to charm women to bed.

'Pretty good if I say so myself,' He thought checking himself out after making a full body illusion, 'though this needs to be a bit smaller, this needs to be a bit bigger...' before fixing the illusion to match perfectly to the dead guy.

After a few minutes, a car pulled up near him and a familiar face from his newly acquired memories appeared from the window, waving him over.

'It's his "friend". The one that introduce in this life style of targeting/seducing women/girls of interest.' He thought, pulling up every memory of the guy he has on him.

A high enough level member that gets the first crack at the new girls after his boss is done with them. Supplying him with addictive "sex tablets" that fogs' up the mind and causes euphoria. With just one dose/taste they would do anything for more.

Zach's eye began twitching as he suppress his desire to maim/kill him as he jog over towards them, looking around, making sure he wasn't being followed or seen.

"Get in." He was told as soon as he reach the car.

Nodding, he carefully climb in, maintaining the illusion carefully now since all eyes are on him now. Once inside, they start to drive off slowly as to not be suspicious, while Zach began describe his family and her friends'.

"Ok, so its' a family of five, a sex crazed MILF, three underage daughters' and a son...she also has these friends' of are just as sex crazed as she is..." He said, giving them details of his family and her friends', showing them pictures of said people, their personalities, etc.

Letting them have one last fantasy that would never happen before he kills them as the saying goes. 'Dead men tell no tales.'

Though it was challenging to keep up the façade and his cool as they began describing in graphic detail at how they want to bang the shit out of her and her daughters together in a incest orgy.

"Hey man, do you think if we drug up the mother with these pills, will she be willing to hold her daughters' down as we rape them?" The man to his right asked him. a creepy grin on his face as he stared at the photos of his sisters intensely.

'Bastard!' "Of course man, or maybe she even will do it willingly if you tease her long enough to get some dick. Hahah..." Zach told him, knowing it was actually possible as he saw it happen in the manga, but knew they wouldn't believe him. He was right.

"Yeah, right."

"Like a mother would actually do that with some drugs in her system." He said, not believing him one bit. Soon they began chatting idly with each other, while discreetly read what he got on them after using [Observe] on them after he stepping in the car.

As he began reading them one by one, Zach knew they were a lost cause as they are in it for the sex and money, not even caring about the women they kept locked up and/or raped over the years.

They even sold a female acquaintance of theirs' after drugging her for days and then selling her off once he got bored with her.

'Fucking scum.' He thought.

(20 minute later)

Finally, we arrive at one of many bases of operation, where they train women in sex under the cover of it being an established gentleman's club where all your desires come true if you have the money of course. Otherwise, it's just a normal strip club like all the others' around the country.

Once they park in the back away from prying eyes, Zach immediately put them to sleep as they were parking. Though he almost screwed it up as he almost forgot to push the drivers' head away from pressing the horn on his car, alerting everyone outside the building.

'Rookie move, Zach. Rookie move.'

Taking out his B.B rifle from his inventory, Zach proceed to shoot each person in the head every 5 minutes, just enough time for him to go through their life memories after absorbing their souls.

Silencing the area for good measure as he doesn't know if his B.B. gun makes too much of a noise that draws suspicion ands needs to be investigated.





In those 20 minutes, Zack had integrated at least parts of their knowledge and experience to his memory, while sorting the rest of them in places for him to review at his leisure.

Leaving out stuff he didn't want from his mind. Ignoring the notifications of his leveling up as he doesn't have time for it right now. Taking out the corpse powder from his inventory, he sprinkle it on them, and watch as their bodies dissolves very quickly.

Leaving the car windows open enough to get rid of the smell/smoke, Zach once again covered himself with a new [Illusion]. This time the guy he handed the phone to first. He is the younger brother of Ren Sato, the boss's right hand man and security leader.

He spent a few minutes getting into character, and when he was ready, Zach walk into the backdoor entrance, passing by 2 bouncers at the door, nodding his head in greeting.

They nod back and open the door for him. They already know who he is as he frequent this place quite often. He doesn't use his brother's position in front of other civilians or the strippers in the club as upstairs is where he flaunts his position around.

The first two floors are the strip club and V.I.P. rooms that belong to the strip club, while the floors 3-4 belong to the illegal side of business. The 5th floor is his "Boss" place where he "taste" the women first before giving them to his men to train them. Floors 3-4 is where they store and train sex slaves.

The strippers are all women working for money and it would be bad for business if they used future sex slaves for stripping. They might be recognized by other people who knows them or are familiar with them.

Zach ignored the loud music, strippers dancing naked and men throwing them money at them as he went to the security room.

He needs to destroy any digital footage of him as his [Invisibility] doesn't work on cameras, yet. Despite using [Illusions], there might be something that could give him away. Like his image becoming fuzzy at certain times.

A few minutes later, Zach was picking the lock on the door when he heard a click. Opening the door slowly, Zach poke his head inside to see 2 security guards watching 30 cameras.

15 in the strip club and in the V.I.P. rooms, while the rest is shows the top floors. Watching women having sex with men, some in a group being bang together, while others a being lock in cages.

Without any hesitation, Zach shot them both to the back of their heads, without making them aware of his presence. Then he spend the next few minutes reviewing their memories for guard rotations and how to erase the surveillance footage and any backups this place might have.

Once he was done, Zach cursed as he realize there relief will be here in a few minutes to take their post.

Not wanting to waste more time than he already did, Zach position himself right next to the entrance, while being invisible and created illusions of the two guards he just killed.

Just in time too as the new guards came through the door, complaining. "Ok, which one of you forgot to lock the door, huh?" The guard on the by the door said as the other was placing their dinner on the table at the left side of the room.

Not giving them time to really focus on his illusions as it was not constructed very well, Zach shot the closet one which was by the door, before killing the surprised guard who turned around at the noise.

"Huh, what the-" Bang! He fell foreword, his last moments of thought will be 'what just happen?' before he knew no more.

After that, Zach pop in his last of Tier I pills as he went to the next floor, ignoring the muffled music throughout the floor. Soon, he reach another set of stairs leading to the 3 floor, but this time it has 2 guards blocking anyone that is not authorized entry.

Zach, using the [Illusion] of their security-boss younger brother and walk towards them all cocky. The guards already know who he is as he takes this route all the time, showing off that he can come and go as he please.

So they just let him in without any hassle. Once Zach was pass them, he turned [Invincible] again and started putting everyone to [Sleep], with either a spell or a sleeping pellet.

For the women, Zach placed them inside his [Large Trunk], one in each room. The men, he dragged them in a separate room in the building, all in one place.

So he can view their memories later in peace without being blindsided by someone he missed. He did this through the floors 3-4, leaving the boss's floor alone for now.

He was pretty much tired from going floor to floor, using his [Telekinesis] to drag adults to their destination and seeing the women in their state. Zach used his magic to clean up their entire bodies from fluids in or on them.

After resting for a few minutes, Zach casted his invisibility again, then he began checking every room on the 5th floor leaving the boss's room alone for last. Seeing that no one was inside any of them, he went towards the boss room.

As he was getting closer to his room, Zach can hear sounds of sex echoing through the door. Open it silently and carefully, he look inside and cursed the man in front of him in his mind.

'Fucking piece of shit...'

Inside the room, Zach saw a woman in her late 30s, early 40s being gangbang by 5 naked men. One man pounding her from the bottom, thrusting his hips up into her as she gets fuck doggy style by another man.

Both hands and face are occupied with the dicks of the 3 men around her, pulling her head down to choke on his dick.

Their boss man is next to them, molesting a younger girl that looks similar to the older woman. Cum is all over her face and breast, the boss was ready to plunge into her, ignoring her screams of denial.

Just as he was about to penetrate her, Zach fired his rifle many times, making sure he put everyone to sleep before undoing his invisibility. Getting surprised shouts from the men as they go done one by one.

"F-fuck, ta-"


"Where's my gun-" Their screams of fear was music to his ears as they tried to fight back, but being naked and weaponless, only made it easier for him.

Walking in the room, Zach ignore the smell of sex in the air as he separates the 5 men from the poor woman and the boss from the young girl. He place them together in the same room and cleaned them up their bodies with magic.

Once he was done with them, Zach shot the boss first, so he can take his time 'digesting' his vast knowledge of the underworld and his sex ring operation. He wanted to get a feel of it, so he can track similar operations in different worlds he may visit.

After that he shot each guys in the head, one at a time, taking their knowledge for his own, and saw what he was hoping to see after killing the last person.

[Ding! Mission completed!]