
After he agreed to take them in and train her daughter, Zach brought them out of his trunk and into his room. After making sure his mom wasn't inside.

"Alright, remember to stay here and wait for me. I'll go and convince my mom to let you move in with us. We have a couple of spare bedrooms we are not using, you can stay there."

"How do you know she will let us stay here?"

Aimi asked, doubting his plan would really work as no mother would allow a stranger to live in her home. Even if it's her son, she would deny him and chase them out.

"Don't worry. I know my mom pretty well, she will do anything I tell her too." (Literally).

Zach ignored how he could easily brainwash people.

(Few minutes later)

"So my son tells me he wants to hire you 2 to be his personal maids. Hmm~"

She said, staring at them, making them sweat a bit under her narrowed gaze. After a minute or so of silence, she finally relented.


After they listen to her answer, they release a breath of relief. Tension leaves them as they found a sense of hope. Then they became nervous at the look she is giving them. Mitsuko smile widens as she saw them gulp in apprehension.

"Your first task is to change into these two maid uniforms I recently found in my closet. I think they match your sizes. We can alter their sizes to fit you better. So chop-chop~."

Black lines appeared on Aimi's face, as she saw how small the maid uniforms are and how thin it is. It would better as a Halloween custom than a uniform.

'Why/How the hell does she have those outfits with her without us seeing them? And why is there a GODDAMN CHOCKER WITH ZACH'S NAME ON IT!?!?'

Aimi yelled that last part in her mind as she stares fiercely at the 'maid uniform' and choker. Blushing very rapidly at the thought of wearing that and in front of Zach to boot. Then her eyes glared at Zach dangerously as he watch them blankly, but she could barely make out his smirk. It was barely uplift corner of his mouth, but she still notices it.


Her glare turned fiercer. If glares could killing then Zach would instantly be ash, but luckily for him, she doesn't have that power. All she could do was glare at him.


Without further thought, she turned her head away and proceed to ignore him. Following her mother helplessly as they change into their 'work uniform'.

Aika just blush at seeing how small and form fitting the uniform will be. It will be one of the most 'exposed' outfits she will be wearing that barely counts as clothes and she likes it. Dealing with the harshness of reality and her exposer of magic being real made her expands her horizons. She needs to step up and meet any challenges head on.

Zach watch them go, ignoring the fierce glare he is receiving from Aimi as she will get use to him. It cost him in total 1,000 points as the have several neat features hidden into them.


[Sexy Maid Outfits (Uniforms)]- Maids outfits that are sexy and have magical properties in them.

-Sizes and shapes fits all- Uniform will mold to fit the female's body, while making it look sexy (Skimpy).

-Auto-repair/clean- Repairs damages and keep the maids outfit clean.

-Plain maid Illusion- Only their master and people he allow will be able to see through the illusion of plain boring maid uniforms that covers everything.

-Only master can see- The master of these slaves can see them naked instantly through their clothes, but no one has the same privileges. Even if they use magic, they will see horrible images instead.

-Limit teleportation- Teleport to their master's side in case they are attack or when he calls for them. (Teleporting times left each day: 5)

-Cockblock- Sexually assaulting the master's maids will cause the male to be forever soft. (Range 5 feet, their master is exempt to the penalty)


After closing the [Sexy Maid Outfits (Uniforms)] details page, he turn his attention to his mother, who is waiting patiently for Zach to look at her. Giving her a gentle, and loving smile, Zach held out his arms for her. Her smile could light up the world as she hugs him lovingly. After basking in her/his love, Zach gave her an answer she was hoping for.

"Thank you for doing this mom."

"It's alright sweety, I needed help anyway."

Zach smiles gently and he holds her tenderly, giving her a lovely kiss full of love. She return his kiss with the same amount of love she has for him. After breaking their kiss, they snuggled together on his bed, feeling the love they help for each other.


Zach didn't forget to send a [Eye Spy] to see them changing in their new uniforms. He want to see their reactions to the outfits as they are magicaly made to fit. Aimi will definitely make funny faces at the thought of him knowing their three sizes. Zach knows he is bullying her, but even Aika allowed him to do it. She wants her daughter to be her lively self again and not mope about the past.


"Wu~. That damn perverted brat. Why is this 'uniform' is so small and fits us so perfectly? And WHERE DID HE EVEN BUY THESE FROM?! NO SANE PERSON WILL SELL THEM TO A LITTLE KID!!"

She yells in embarrassment as she tries to tug the skirt a bit lower, trying to cover up more of her thighs. But it was proven futile. However, her mother on the other hand, poses coquettish in a mirror. Making her green in envy as she doesn't complain about her 'uniform' and looks sexy unlike her.

"Well, I think it looks cute and lovely. Especially with this little choker. Here try it on."

"W-Wah-Mom y-you c-can't be, h-hey w-what are you doing. Stop it, I don't want to wear it, it-it will mean he is my m-master."

She resists against her mother on not wanting to wear the choker. She has a crush on Zach, but is afraid of confessing. After all the things she said and did to him.

Seeing her daught acting like that made her glad they agreed to stay with Zach. Her daughter was always shy growing up, making it hard for her to express her feelings out in the open. She sometimes show it on occasion, but she bottles it up too well. But with Zach, her walls crumbles in front of him and she speaks her mind. It's a side she never has seen before and she wants to see more of it.

"Oh honey, I know you like him."


"But since he is going to tech you, he is still your master in one form or another."


While her daught is being distracted by her words, she lock the choker in place.



Aika just laughs loudly at her daughter to take it off, even trying to bite it off. She knows that life will be interesting being around Zach and can't wait to see it.

(Zach pov)

Zach snorted in amusement as he saw Aimi making a fool of herself. He then disperse the eye as he can see them coming towards them. After waiting a few more seconds, they finally appeared. When he saw them with his real eyes, he felt his pants become uncomfortable.

The blush on Aimi's face made her look even more charming. It made him want to 'play' with her until she begs for mercy. Tearing his eyes away from her, he then looks towards her mother, Aika.

When he saw her, Zach had to hold back his reaction of seeing her. She is a perfect picture of sex on heels. The way she unconsciously moves her body, making her breast jiggle. One leg in front of the other like a professional model, showing off her body.

"Oh my~ It seems like I made the correct choice in hiring you guys. You guys look quiet fetching in those uniforms."

His mother said, walking around them, looking up and down at their bodies with critical eyes. Ignoring Aimi's fidgeting and her attempts to lower her skirt some more.



"Oh my~"

When out of nowhere, Mitsuko smacked Aimi's tender butt, enjoying the sqeak she made and walks back to her son. Ignoring her outrage and her mother's shock.

"Yes, they will do very nicely."

She said winking coquettish at Zach, enjoying his gaze at her actions.

"Well, let's start with..."