
Zach spent the next few hours adding his mother's past lovers into his map. He is planning on hunting them down later.

When he was done with that Zach began teasing his new maids, especially Aimi. She always made it fun to tease her. He also used his clones to repair his broken tools and practice [Inscriptions], while also thinking of ways to raise points fast.

'I guess I can go out and cockblock couples from having sex outside.'

He mused, smiling at their expressions when he does it and how.

'Maybe a shot to a man's nuts. That will definitely make them stop having sex.'

He then shudders in phantom pain as his mind imagines it perfectly and his balls instinctively curls up in his body.

'No! That will be too cruel to all innocent males everywhere and it may happen to me at some point. Maybe I can do it to men who rapes women and maybe I will get another [Title] added to me if I did it enough times.'

'I just need to buy a skill that makes males soft for sometime and their dick will work again just fine.'

Zach nods his head in acceptance of his new plan, while discreetly pinches Aimi's tight ass.


After he pinched her, Zach instantly use an [Illusion] of him running away from her as she hits where he previously was.



Zach laughs loudly, projecting his voice as she chases him throughout the first floor. His sister was in her room in the second floor, having a nap. They made sure not to disturb her rest.

His mother and Aika just smiles in amusement at their antics.

" you think their wedding will happen in a few years from now, when Zach is at the minimum marriageable age. Or when he is older."

Mitsuko ask her sister/maid/friend her thoughts as they can easily see the smiles on their faces.

"Hmm~. When he is older as she will definitely find it weird to marry him while he has that cute face. It will definitely make her feel she robbed the cradle with his youthful face."

Aika said with a thoughtful look on her face.



They both broke into laughter as they imagine the look on her face as Aimi marries Zach. They were some interrupted from their laughing by heavy breathing.


"Mo~om, help me catch our 'young master' he has been slacking of in training me."

She pouts adorably to her mother and her new mistress, wanting to start training now. It has been a few hours since they agreed and Zach was doing something else.

"Ok dear, I will get him to start teaching you-"

"There is no need to, I am now ready to begin."

"Kyaa~" (3x)

Mitsuko started to say before being interrupted by Zach, scaring all of them.


He shot each of them an apologetic look before taking out 3 workout clothes from his [Inventory], making them curious on why he has 3 of them.

"Now, I need you to change into thses workout clothes. These clothes will help you become stronger and more flexible after every session, but it takes a few days for the results to show itself."

He said, handing them their new workout clothes.

"But I thought you were going to train me?"

She ask, taking the clothes from him and waiting for his response.

"I am, but I also want them to be involved as there is nothing to do besides waiting for my sister's school to end."

'Besides, I get to touch them inappropriately without you yelling at me or stopping me. Hehe.'

He tells her his reason, leaving out his true thoughts, making her nod in understanding. Aimi then blushing bright red before she began yelling at him.


She yells at him, throwing them to the ground and glaring angrily at Zach. Seeing her look, he began to explain.

"I bought these clothes from online and added magic to them to give that magical affect. Besides it will take a long time to get stronger the normal way."

He said, picking it up from the ground and handing it to her. Seeing his "honest" look, she begrudgingly take them from his hand and proceeds to kick him out of his room.

"I-I'll wear them, b-but no peeking on us before we get out. Wait for us in the living room."


She slammed the door into his face as he follows them to their room and began undressing. What she doesn't know that Zach is spying on them anyway, giving him a good look at their bodies.



[Sexy workout clothes]- Workout clothes that are sexy and have magical properties in them.

-Sizes and shapes fits all- Clothes will mold to fit the female's body, while making it look sexy (Skimpy).

-Auto-repair/clean- Repairs damages and keeps it clean.

-Healing- Has healing properties to make the wearer not sore in the morning.


A few minutes later, Aimi came out of their room with her mother, standing next to Mitsuko. Blushing heavily as the clothes are skin tight, showing her nipple through the top and her shapely ass. She glared at him for his taste in clothes.

'It like he is choosing borderline clothes that is a step away from being a strippers outfit.'

She thought, embarrassed to be seen in these clothes. Next he gave them a pill in his hand as he tells them about its affect.

"These pills will erase the pain of working out tomorrow, so you won't feel sore or stiff."

They each give him a grateful look as they each ate one. Soon they closed their eyes, feeling warmth spreading throughout her entire body until it disappears.


"That felt wonderful~."

"So good~"

They said together, stretching their bodies erotically, ignoring Zach's gaze as they get more comfortable. Unknowingly giving him a better view of their bodies in those tight clothes.

"*Cough* Now that you have taken the pill, it's time to train your body. Now, lets..."

He made them go through basic stretches like

the cobra stretch, spinal stretch, shoulders stretch, etc. He also help them stretch their bodies correctly as he recently bought [Fitness trainer] profession which give him insights on how to train them.

When they were done, most of them were pretty tired, them being himself, Aimi and Aika. While Mitsuko can keep going despite working togeher with them.

He could see she has a slight sheen of sweat on her body, but she has a higher constitution tham him which he found unfair.

"Ok that is...enough for today...let's continue tomorrow...around the same time...You have the day off, take a rest."

He said, regulating his breathing and giving them the rest of the day off.


"Mom, let's take a shower together."

He said, knowing his mother would agree to shower together. He felt happy as there will be no interruptions from playing with his mother. But before he could walk with her, his dream died before it could even take off.

"Yeah, lets take a shower together as it's will save us time."

Aika said hooking her arms together with his mom, pulling her towards the bathroom. Leaving him stunned at the unexpected event. He saw Aimi sending him a smug grin as she passed him by, making him fume silently.

Snorting softly, he went to the other bathroom in the second floor and took a shower, but not before spying on them.


Once he was finish showering, Zach created a couple of clones to practice [Inscriptions], while putting any left over mana in his mana storage unit. He was waiting for night time to come as he has some unfinished business to deal with.