Full body massage

Once he stepped inside, the interior was very well light, despite blocking the view from the outside. It has a counter a few feet away from the main door, a few plastic plants around the area and a sitting place for people to wait.

After looking around the place, Zack walk up to the counter, who was obviously a beautiful women manning the desk. She has this look of 'innocence' on her face which he found weird as she is one of the workers at the park.

With an smile on his face, he began to speak to her,


"Hello. Welcome to XXXX spa. What can we do for you today."

She said with a smile on her face. Looking down at her name tag, [Yuna], on her large breast, he looked back at her in the eyes and said,

"I would like a full body massage please."

"Sure. Follow me."

She said, getting up from her chair, she led him to the changing room. Once there she told him,

"In here, you can take a quick shower to wash yourself. After that wear this towel around your waist.

Make sure to be completed naked when you put on the towel and remember to take the box of your clothes with you."


After closing the door, he began taking of his clothes. He then spent the next 10 minutes in the bathroom; 5 minutes washing any sweat and grim that he had accumulated in 6 hours.

The other 5 minutes of time was spent making 3 clones and turned them invisible. He also made sure he wasn't being spied on, by his skill, [Interface].

It allows him to 'connect' to anything that receives wireless data like mobile phones, mini spy cameras, cameras, etc. When he was sure he was alone, he made some clones and gave them their orders.

When he was done, he dried himself with a towel and wrapped a new one around his waist. When he exited the room, he saw Yuna was waiting for him. She stared in a daze at his perfect body.

When she regained her senses, she could only blush at his knowing looks. Acting like a professional, she guided him into an unused room. During their walk, he had spied a few more rooms, but heard nothing from them.

Being curious he used his [X-Ray] skill and peak inside which caused a smirk to grow on his face. In these rooms are couples having sex on the massage tables.


With that silent thought, his invisible clones began to action. Shooting at people who are having sex with [Sleep]. Then hitting the males again with [Impotence] and placed a [Slave Stamp] on them.

With the female masseuses, he cleaned them up thoroughly from their recently love making. Which he receive a few hundred [Hentai Points] for cockblocking them. After that, his clones sent him a piece of hair from each women.

Which he immediately added them to his book and teleported them to the book's hospital. Where they can be treated for any genetic defects in their bodies they receive from their parents. It also made sure their children will be only girls.

With that done, he made clones to replace the women he kidnapped and changed their appearance to match. It took 8 minutes to finished all of this as he wait for his masseuse. He was very impressed with the design and lighting of the room.

It's was bathed in a rich glow of yellow light and it's tastefully designed too. Soon the door open and a female masseuse entered the room. She is wearing a grey wrap tunic with a bow on her left hip. A standard uniform for this place as it shows off her impressive curves and bust.

Using [Observe] on her, he got what he needed to know about her.

Her name is Fumiko and she is 24 years old university student, who has a part-time job to pay for tuition fees and her daily needs. She has teal colored hair and blue eyes. Her breast are borderline E-cup and much fuller.

She was recommended by her friend work as a masseuse as they make a lot of money on the side. Which she does, giving blowjobs and handjob to her customers, but never actual sex.

Which only cheap sluts with no dignity would do, but not her. If she was feeling horny, she would choose the right guy to have a one night stand. Which is unfortunate for her as she caught Zach's attention. Using his connection with the [Ring of Desire], he slowly increased her lust for him every few minutes. Making it seem natural as he doesn't want to spoke her.

"Hello, my name is Fumiko and I will be your masseuse for the next hour. Before we begin, are you allergic to any lotions?"

She asked with a smile.


"Excellent. Do you have any preference for the massage oil you would like to use?"

"Whatever you pick is fine."

He replied to her as he laid down on his stomach with the towel cover his butt.

"Awesome. Then do you mind if I put on some music."

She said, picking the best massage oil to use on him.

"That's fine."


With that she puts on, [Lotus Flower (Uyu Bebeğim Uyu)], which is pretty nice to listen to. He watch her out of the corner of his eye as her body began to feel flush.

"Do you mind if I get comfortable as I do your massage?"

"Nope, do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable."

He said, increasing her arousal again as she blushed lightly. She hesitantly undo the knot on her left hip and remove the robe from her body. Revealing her E-cup breast, slim stomach and red laced panty.

She then move to Zach and over his lying form so that she straddled his lower back. Her clothed butt rested over his hips, above his back. She began warming up her hands after applying a good amount of massage oil in them.

It's Cherry Blossom massage oil, which has a faint lilac and rose smell; followed with creamy vanilla and soft, almond-like aromas.

"If you feel any discomfort, inform me immediately,"

She said which he he nodded.

"I will be starting now."

With that said, Fumiko moved her hands down on him. The moment her hands touched his back, it sent shivers up both their spines. For Zach, it was the unexpected warmth he immediately received from her.

For Fumiko, it was the feeling of touching a man that made her want to break her rule. Taking in a deep breath, she then began her work. From the knowledge she had gained working here, she worked his back as if she were painting a picture.

She worked her magic on him in no way, any girl had ever worked him before. Her hands, firm and soft, flowed like water down a stream, and Fumiko, red in the face, wanted to show him exactly what she could do.

Zach was in total bliss. He had never experienced anything like it in his life. Sure he had gotten a few massages at parlors in his last life, but with Fumiko's skills, he felt like he was being massaged by a goddess.


Zach moaned and adjusted himself, feeling the girl working his back, first the upper area, then working her way down, moving her body weight into it. She altered between side-work and spinal work, along with the plates around his shoulders.

It felt particularly good when she did his lower back, especially since he had been working so hard. He moaned out in total euphoria, causing her to suddenly stop.

"I-I'm sorry…did I do something wrong?"

"No, no! It's fine Fumiko, please continue…"

She smiled and nodded, continuing her massage and working all over his back. It was if she was making love to it, but she hadn't reached that stage just yet. Even so, she could not deny the growing temperature in her body and lower regions, as well as the itching feeling of wanting to fill her lust with something.

As the minutes dragged by, she soon realized exactly what she wanted, or more like needed to sate her and she decided to act upon her baser instincts.