Changing destinies 1

After he entered the city limits, Zach spent an hour visiting every area with his board. Making sure his [Map] has labeled every place of interest and knows where he can find stuff. He only stayed there for a few seconds before moving on.

Once he was done, Zach went to Asako house and waited outside in the air. Using his [X-Ray] skill, he check out her house from top to bottom, seeing if anyone was at home.

Their home was a one story house with 2 bedrooms/bathrooms, a living room, dinning room, kitchen and even a garage. A basic one story house, but it has some great furniture inside. A frown creased his brow as he didn't find a single soul in the house.

"Huh, where are they? It's only 10:28 in the morning. Don't tell me that they went out already. I know that her husband has left already as he has work, but Asako's a house wife, where could she have gone."

He said aloud, bringing up his [Map] as he type in her name and it immediately showed where she is. A couple of blocks away from his position as it slowly showed her walking back home. Releasing a sigh of relief he said,

"Phew, she is coming home and I won't have to spend hours looking for her."

Zach said, hovering in the air, before frowning as he look over her [Status]. She is the same as his mother, focus on satisfying her sex drive, but with her cock instead. He sighed silently as she reminds him of his mother.

Despite wanting to change her into a someone who doesn't think about cock every few minutes and into someone loving and gentle, he didn't. It wouldn't be his mother, but someone he "created".

He wants them to be themselves, plus, he doesn't want to be too much of a control freak. Changing his harem to his liking everyday. Erasing their personalities, their looks, or anything else he might find distasteful about them, especially his mom.

Even though she is his mother, he hasn't completely forgiven her for seducing those men over the years since he was born. She was a natural flirt that oozes sex with her every action and she can't stand not having a cock in her pussy at least once a day.

The other women in his harem doesn't have that high of a body count as he only erased their sexual interest/attraction towards other penises of any kind, other than his own that is.

He spent the next 7 minutes in the air, monologuing about his past actions when he lowered himself as she came near. She was wearing a dress similar to the one in the manga, but it was colored grey and has birds on it.

Putting his board away, he followed her in the house while being intangible. He was torn between three choices he could make. One, he could easily change her into a regular female who can give birth and not a [Funatari].

However, she will feel like she was missing something if she change into a full woman. Maybe she will wear a strap on dildo when they will have sex and definitely want to fuck him with it. He suddenly shuddered as his ass clench fiercely at that thought.

The second options is to split her into 2 people; one half contains her essence of a women, while the other will have the essence of man.

However, the process of doing all that will be time consuming and be very expensive points wise. Buying the skills he needs to separate their essence, refill it properly and even create a brand body for the man.

The final option was to keep her the way she is, but make her cock recede inside her body when there are other women around. When she is alone, her cock will come out and let her have fun with it.

And when she wants to fuck a women using her cock, he can either use an onahole he created that is similar or even better than a real pussy. Making the onahole warm, soft, wet, virgin tight forever and even add a hymen that regrows after each use, if she wants it.

If she wants to fuck a person, he can make a magical sex doll that acts as a real person for her. Letting her program her appearance to any women she want, their age, skin color, and even their personalities. Maybe even allowing the sex doll to be impregnated by her seed if she wants it.



He thought suddenly. Zach went to the second guest bedroom as he began to pace, thinking about it further, ignoring Asako for the moment.

'If I can make a magical sex doll that can be impregnated by males, then I don't need to commit world genocide when I leave and it will help me with my quest too.'

He planned on using the souls of every male he tagged from [Oideyo! mizuryu kei land] across the world and that are over the age 16 as a sacrifice for both [Book of Life] and [Hourglass].

So he can bring back the dead women over the years that was killed and have the ability to travel back in time whenever he wants.

It's a dark route he was leaning towards to as almost all males in this world are stained with uncontrollably desire to fuck. As for those who are over 16 and are not that dirty, he will let them live. For those group of survivors, he planned on using a curse to allow them to produce asexually.

After wipe every trace of women from their memories and traces on earth. Allowing them to live their life as usual. That and to see if life like this was possible to flourish in these condition. If it was possible, he will do it to other worlds he would visit too.

Now that he doesn't have to, he can let them keep their dicks. Pulling up his quest, he suddenly remembering it upgraded to this,


[Quest: (Give women hope) Upgraded to Catch 'em All.]

[Description: Add every women, doesn't matter if they are married or not to your harem whenever you travel to a new universe. (8,719/3.4 Billion)]

[Time limit: None]

[Rewards: ???.]

(Rewards will show after you leave each world and added them all.)

[Failure: Death to everyone you love.]


Sighing in frustration, he ask the system if there was any kind of mission that involves men positively.

"System, is there was any mission that involves helping men-"


It response was immediate as he barely finished his sentence. Confused, he asked,


[Because the Hentai system only helps or targets women positively, while men, other than the user, are worthless and treated as dirt. This was your main desire when the creator gave it to you.]


He acted like he didn't read/heard the systems response as he immediately went back to modifying his plans for the males that are left.

'I guess the left over males will have to settle with those magical sex dolls that can reproduce their future children. But I need to edit them as to not make them like the other soon to be dead males.

I also need to figure out if they should have girls and boys or just boy forever.'

"System, if the magical sex toy gives birth to a girl, will it be counted as a female."
