Saint Maria Christos Academy

After tearing the paper in half, she was instantly teleported from Asako's house to another area near the docks. The two pieces of paper in her hand went up in flames, not harming her at all.

The item she used was a [Good Quality, One-Time use Teleportation Inscription] that can teleport her up to 50 kilometers in any direction, but it has 2 requirement if anyone wants to use it.

First, it requires her to know the place she wants to be teleport to or it will use her line of sight. And the second, it's need to be filled with mana before she can use it. Not like it could be a problem as she filled every single one with mana.

She even has a couple of higher quality in her Inventory that can teleport her to any parts of the world, but it needs to be places she is familiar with. As for why she used an [Inscription] when she can teleport to anywhere she wants and as a women too?

Well, it's for her to get used to being in a female body as he doesn't want to be invisible every time he wants to 'sneak' in an area where men are not allowed. The island where she is going to are very strict on the men who enters.

Plus, she can have some 'skin-ship' in the bathroom with the women as shown in those varies anime. As for the other reason, he just want to experience the difference of teleporting by using the [Inscription] instead of the spell.

After making sure no sees her, she once again applies [Invisible] to herself and her board. Opening the [Maps] and imputing the coordinates from Jessica, she was off. It only took her 10 minutes to reach her destination and she flew above a cliff.

When she was high enough she tried something she was curious about.

'Can I use [Observe] on an entire island? If so, can I use on building too?'

Without further thought, she cast that spell, but she was soon surprised it worked. However, it took a lot of mana, about 19,972, which decreased to 1,997 to get the information she needed.

It's an island that was 67.164 km2 long and was covered in a dense forest. It has a population of 513 people in total living here; 200 are males and young children who live here with them in a separate town.

The majority of the people who live on the island are female students from wealthy connections that stays in dormitories yearly. There are also female teachers, police officers, and nuns who make up the rest of the population.

After she was done, she went down to the ground near the school and saw its' name plate.

[Saint Maria Christos Academy]

It has a similar name to those other places Jessica sent her, but with a much denser forest area. Having done this before, she kept her eyes out for the bell tower as she walks right in.

'Hm...This place seems familiar...could it be...'

She furrowed her brows as she uses pieces of images from the manga to fit around the school. However, it was only a few pieces of the school as it wasn't the main focus of it.

Putting out her mind, she used her [X-ray Vision] to find where everybody is. After looking around, she began walking towards the left side of the school, where some classes are being held at.

As she walk through the halls, she went into each classroom, trying to find any female or male teachers she may recognizes, while also adding each student/teach to her book. After going through many classes, she finally found him.

Yuichiro Sudo.

A 35 year old English teacher who is very strict and not very popular with the students. He is one of the few male teachers that work here and eventually impregnant his students when Ayaka drugged them. But since she is here, that will change.

'Hm, I guess Jessica was right, huh? I should reward her for her efforts now.'

She thought with surprised as she finally found the school she was looking for. Without any further delay, she took out the stamp and walk towards the clueless teacher.

"...from the paragraph in English."

Sudo said, calling one of his students to read a paragraph in English, while she stamp him at the back of his neck. It glowed briefly without anyone noticing as they where busy reading.

"Yes, Sensei."

A student replied as she stands up and begin reading.

"As we stand..."

She now move between students, grabbing a piece of hair each as she adds them to her book. As she finished with this class, she then move on to the next building and the next as she then moved on to the female only dormitories.

After adding every women and enslaving every male on the island, she teleported back home. But not before leaving behind a long way communication device if the islanders' needed to contact him or Jessica for whatever reason.

As the lights disappeared around her, she was home. Which didn't take very long to be greeted by Jessica who appeared before her.

"Welcome home beloved. How was your trip?"

Her voice was surprisingly steady, not at all surprised by the change in form as she already knew about her change in form. Which left her stupefied.

" do you know it was me?"

She said, giving Jessica a surprised look as she didn't even seem shock. With an upturn smile of her lips, she sashayed over to Zach and she circled around her new form, touching Zach's body from top to bottom.

Squeezing different parts of her every now and then as she explain to her.

"Well, I am connected to your bracelet that monitors your health and any changes in your body,"

With a hard pinch to her side, she let out a giggle as she automatically move away from her hands. Then Jessica shot her a glare as she continued,

"So imagine my surprise to receive an alert from it, stating that your body was breaking apart and then rearranging itself before I could even respond. It was surprising to learn that you changed into Asako, DNA and all."

Feeling guilty, she open her mouth to apologize, but she let out a scream instead.


What made her cry out in pain was Jessica sticking a needle in her arm and drawing blood from her, without giving her any warning. Once the vial was full, she takes the needle out from her arm without even apologizing.

Shooting Jessica a wronged look to which she ignored as begin analyzing the blood inside. Without giving her a chance to vent her current grievance, Jessica's next words left her speechless.

"I even contacted your family of your situation and they are expecting you soon. Have fun, Beloved~"

Without even waiting a response from her, Jessica walk off. Leaving her standing there, gapping at the smug tone she had as dread filled her. Sighing in defeat, she could only mutter a cursed word when she finally realize something.

"Fuck...Wait a minute!"

Walking towards Jessica's retreating back, she asked her,

"Why do you need a blood sample if you had already compared both of ours in the first place?"


Looking over her shoulder, she gave her Beloved a knowing smirk before disappearing. Zach was left standing there with her mouth drop open in shock before snapping out of it.

With a resigned sigh, she changed back in his male form, ignoring the pain he felt throughout his body. When he was done, Zach was leaning against the wall as sweat drips off him.

"I'm telling them about this too you know."

She said, reappearing in front of him as he let out a manly yell, which was followed by a curse word.


He watch her disappeared once more with that smug grin on her face.

'Just you wait my dear Jessica, I'll have my revenge very soon if I have anything to say about it. Ha ha hahaha...'

His creepy laugh echoed in his mind as he stand up straight from the wall. With a wave of his hand, he cleaned himself off and teleported inside the book; dread filling him as he saw a sea of disapproving looks from his harem, looking towards him.

Dropping to his knees before them, he hope they will go easy on him, but it didn't work.

"Zach, you are in so much trouble..."

His mother was the first to speak and once she finished, she was followed by the other adults. Each pointing out their worries to him about his reckless action, which he didn't say anything.