Prologue (Edited)

It was an ordinary day, the sun was shining in the sky, a perfect day to be outside with your friends. If you aren't one of those lazy people who won't go outside to enjoy life to the fullest.

Which is our main protagonist. He is in his room, alone in the dark as the only source of light is his computer right in front of him. Barely illuminating the small room in a lightest glow.

A pile of discard tissues covering one side of the room as the trash can can barely contain it anymore. It's like a small unstable mountain that can cause an avalanched if one wasn't careful.

It's really disgusting. Not even mentioning the smell, it smelled like a skunk mated with expired cheese and then died after finishing.

Anyway, right in the in front of the mess is a man about 50 bending forward slightly, panting roughly. One hand was across his body, while the other hand is clutching a mouse and clicking periodically.

Underneath that hand is two round balls, cushioning his wrist. Upon a closer inspection, we see him reading, *cough-masturbating-cough* to a newly release manga *cough-hentai-cough*, called 'Tachibana's Circumstances with a Man' that has many views.

As he was reading, *cough-masturbating-cough*, he was seconds away to finishing when he suddenly stopped all motion and pounded his fist against the desk in anger.

His dick turned into a loose noddle when the women of that story are being tricked into having sex with them after ingesting food laced with strong aphrodisiac and the inappropriate massage.

"Fuck!! Why didn't they find it suspicious their bodies reactions after eating or why is the MC failing asleep while they are still wide awake!" He yelled in frustration, but at the same time he felt pity towards them.

Sighing tiredly, he moved his sweat pants back into its' original place, while placing his used onahole of a popular JAV star- Aika, next to his mousepad with breast.

The mousepad is a life-sized shape of Miyuri Natsuki breast, the popular eroge called 'Tsumamigui 3'. He had spent a lot of money and time to be able to get one as it was a limited time offer as it was sold out during the following day.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he thought to himself about how it went all so wrong. A 56-year old man living in a gross apartment without any friends or signs of a women visiting the place.

Looking down at his over-weight body, he couldn't help but wince at how fat he become. Instead of a toned and slim body he used to have when he was younger, now it is all fat.

A grimace appeared on his face as a memory passed through his mind on how he became like this. His wife, married for 8 years cheated on him on their anniversary with his high school bully.

===(Netorare Warning! Skip if you don't want to read it.)===

He wanted to surprise his wife for a romantic date, which they haven't done in some time, so he told her he will be working late. After getting everything settle, he bought her favorite flowers and went home to surprise her.

When he got home, his heart was filled with anticipation, but it was soon turned into horror, grief, anger and many other negative emotions as he heard the noises of sex after opening the door.

At first he thought his wife was watching porn, but it was dashed as he heard a familiar and unfamiliar moan echoing loudly in the hallway. Not to mention the stench of sex in the air.

Dropping the flowers to the ground, he shuffled unsteadily towards the room where the sounds are coming from. His heart breaking with every moan she shouts out loud.

Making his way forward, walking pass the lounge as he could see beer cans, not to mention the ornate bong perched on the coffee table for all the world to see.

But it doesn't compare to the stains on the couch or the overwhelming stench of sex wafting from it. It look like someone spilled water everywhere and didn't even bother to clean up.

Turning his head away in disgust, he resumed walking, making his way towards the halls where he could see the lights were on in the master bedroom.

The door was wide open, giving him a good view of the whole room and who's inside. What he saw broke his heart in pieces. On the bed, naked was his wife Hana, her big boobs exposed and bouncing around.

She was lying on her back, her legs wrapped around the waist of his wort's enemy, Shiro. His butt rising and falling smoothly and fluidly as he pounded his 36 year old dick into her pussy missionary style.

Off to the side, watching the events very intently and with apparently great enjoyment, sat Bob, his bestfriend since high school, ardently jacking his cock as his enemy fucked his wife right in front of him like it was most natural thing in the world.

He was paralyzed by the sight, his entire body frozen in place, all he could do was stare soundlessly in disbelief. He wanted to scream out loud, to dash right in and tear Shiro's, Bob's limb from limb.

How could Hana do this to him, cuckolding him with another guy, a guy who was practically his enemy no less, while his friend looked on in admiration?

He should have been ranting and raging until the sky fell, or at least crumpled on the ground, sobbing broken-heartedly. But he didn't.

Partly because he was still in shock, but mostly because he didn't want to give him that satisfaction of seeing him crying, kneeling before him again. But this time he will get his revenge.

A couple of minutes of glaring later, he saw Shiro slam himself to the hilt in his wife's pussy and heard him holler out loud that he was cumming, before his breathless voice was drowned by the moans of his wife.

He thrust and twitched for a few moments before his taut body

finally sagged in exhaustion. Sweat dripping from his smooth muscles as he pushed himself up and back, giving him a side view of his dripping erection, still hard as an iron.

He got into a kneeling position on the mattress by her head, and began feeding his boner into her wide open mouth, his wife sucking Shiro's cock into her throat with apparent relish.

Then Bob swagger over to where his wife lay prone on the bed, her pussy leaking copious globs of cum onto the linen sheets, swaying

his hips as he walked so that his huge bone swung dangerously in front of him.

Bob stood up and laid down on the bed beside her, hands to the sides, his towering cock arching over his washboard stomach as he heard him say, "Ride me." She nodded.

After pumping her mouth down on the first five inches of Shiro's cock, she then extracted it from her mouth and got to her knees. She swung her leg over to straddle him, her hand playing with his leaking cock as he beamed eagerly up at her.

One hand coming out from the side to fondle one of her heaving breasts and then she shuffled forward so that he was pressed against her labia. She teased him a little, and then she lowered herself down, her pussy accepting his entire length inside her in one go.

He watched, open mouthed, as Hana ground herself into his lap, her cunt hugging his erection snugly, gyrating her curvy hips around. Then she started to ride him passionately, her large tits heaving up and down as she bounced.

This continued for a few minutes, until Bob apparently got tired of being the passive party and began thrusting up into her insistently, and Hana rose up on her knees to support herself as he began to power fuck up into her with blinding speed, causing her to throw her head back and

squeal out loud.

Her throat emitting the sort of sounds I had never heard her make while in bed with him. As this was happening Shiro was also apparently becoming bored kneeling on the sidelines, jacking off while his "friend" got all the action.

As she threw her head back again, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly as the man beneath her rammed her like a diesel engine, he saw Shiro get to his feet and push his boner in Hana's face.

Which she eagerly slurped it back into her mouth with apparent relish, his fat cream filled balls slapping against her chin as he took advantage of the better position to force himself in to the root.

His wife gagged a couple of times around his thick shaft, but other than that she had no obvious trouble with the intrusion, not even when he began to fuck her face.

His rock hard abs bumping into her forehead as he rapidly pumped his hips back and forth, his strong hands holding her head still.

Everything about their demeanor suggested this was not the first time such activities had taken place between the two of them.

Finally, he saw Shiro throw his head back, his body tensing, every muscle standing out in relief as he filled his wife's stomach with his seed. Moments later, I saw Bod also tensing, driving himself as far as he would go.

As he fucked through his orgasm like a man possessed, his copious load spurting deeply in his wife's over flowing pussy. Staining his toned stomach in cream.

===(Netorare ended)===

After watching them have sex in their bed, his heart broke into a million pieces. He left without making a sound as he began plotting his revenge against them and their "friends".

He couldn't know if his "friends" also had sex with his wife, since they were either busy or couldn't make it. Beside, this will be great blackmail material to have sex with their wifes if they fucked his.

Shiro and Bob left a few hours later as his soon to be ex-wife was taking a shower, washing any evidence of their fucking from her body. Unfortunately, he already found about the affair.

Unbeknownst to them, he planted many mini spy cameras around the house, covering any and all angles. He made sure to capture them having sex in vivid detail the next time anyone comes over.

Then after that he followed her around for the next month, recording her meetings with his "friends" in all sorts of places. And once he gathered enough evidence of them cheating, he posted it online anonymously.

But not before having sex with their wife's in revenge for fucking his. Staining their reputation and marriages as adultiers. Then he divorced her leaving the children with her as he found out they are not his.

He sold their house and rented an apartment in another city, leaving his old life behind him. After the messy divorce, he dated 5 other women, but it never work out in the end.

He couldn't trust them enough with having male friends as he was paranoid about their intentions towards his girlfriend. After a few months of this they broke it off.

It was at this point that he decided to stop dating all together and pay for sex whenever he has money. At least the internet is free, allowing him to save his money for important things.

Although he gets really frustrated whenever the MC's women gets taken away or fucked by another man and he doesn't get suspicious about it.

If his girl is acting skittish then something bad has happen and he needs to get to the bottom of it asap. If not, then he could only blame himself.

Just as he was about to head out to get some food, something came crashing in his apartment, instantly killing him and setting the place on fire. Destroying everything inside.


'Huh, where... am...I... The last thing I ...remember was...getting ready to...head out?' He said/thought in a confused manor looking around, trying to find out where he is.

All he could see was nothing, but darkness everywhere he turn. He could tell something was off like he was missing something important, but it eluded him.

Then he look down at himself, yelling in surprised at what he saw or rather, what he didn't see. 'AAAHHHH!! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEN TO MY BODY!'

As he look down at himself, he saw himself as a sphere of light floating in total darkness which surprised him as he thought it would be the first thing he notice from the beginning, but nope.

Anyway, after freaking out and cursing out who ever did this to him for a really long time, he was finally calm enough to think clearly. 'What is this place and why is it so dark?'

As he look around once more he couldn't help, but shudder. Fearing what will happen to him now as he stick out like a sore thumb. Seeing as he is the only light source in this god-forsaken place.

But before he can finish imagining the horrors, a 7 foot tall screen appeared in front of him and which he will forever deny ever doing, screamed like a little girl.

'AAHHHHH!~' After that manly scream, (no one can say otherwise), words began to appear as he froze in terror. Surprised this is really happening.

[Hey there young man, you died in the most hilari-horrible way that I have ever seen. So I'm here to grant you 1 wish and as an added bonus, I'm giving you the right to pick which world you want to be reborn in.]

It wrote with the last part showing a video of him dying, over and over again. 'W-WHA-,NO, I-I CAN'T BE DEAD! I HAVE MANY THINGS TO-' He yelled in hysteria before stopping in mid sentence.

The white sphere flashed blue before turning white the next second, so fast that anyone would think it was just their imagination. Then as the soul spoke again, it was with a calm.

Like he accepted his new reality and wanted to move on with his life. 'Fine.' As soon as he said that the screen cleared itself as numerus worlds came popping up.

Dazzling him with choices that is really safe, [My little pony] to choices get you killed if you sneeze wrong, [DC].

And in between them are works of fiction, [Curse of the Blue Tattoo: Being an Account of the Misadventures of Jacky Faber, Midshipman and Fine Lady].

As he began filtering which world he wants to call home in, he is left unaware that his soul has been tampered with, not in a way that will cause problems later on.

It just erases certain traits in a person the being will find boring as it spies on him, like how he died young, hesitation if he wants another loving relationship, etc.

Anything that makes him uncertain in life gets removed. While his desires hidden or otherwise, gets amplified while keeping his rationality. Not wanting another entertainment dying early again.

After spending an unknown amount of time on the list, he finally chose his new home. 'I want to have a [Hentai System] that is bound to me and nobody can take it away or disable it, while being able to buy anything and everything at the [System Store].

'Be it mundane things like a kitchen knife, sword to mystical things like magic, bloodlines, equipment, etc. And the world I want my rebirth place to be [Teisou Kannen Zero].'

[Granted. By the way, did you know you died by shit.]

'Ok, tha- WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU MOTHERF-.' He started to think, before yelling at the screen as his vision gradually turned dark.



Teisou Kannen Zero: A family of 4, a mother, Mitsuko Souma, and her three daughter's, Kurumi, Sayoko, and Souko. Their mother is a slut who cheats on her husband with any guy. She doesn't like the idea to be tied down to one person for the rest of her life. Her two eldest daughter Sayoko and Souko are the same as her. Spreading their 'love' to whoever caught their interest and doesn't have any shame about it.

Her youngest daughter, Kurumi, tries to fight against her mothers ideal, but loses every time. Even though they bicker with each other, Kurumi and Mitsuko, they still love each other as family and they wouldn't have it any other way.