The Ghost in the Darkness

The comments box was flooded in an instant.

Pierce was ready. All that was left was to wait for the start of the infinite invasion.

Under the lively atmosphere in the live-stream, time slowly passed and it was evening.

As usual, he bought dinner from the Tower Defense store.

Simply put, the Tower Defense points he had now could support their daily lives for about a year.

Pierce sat at the head of the table, while Vivier, Griffin, and Mel sat beside him.

It was still drizzling outside, and the darkness gradually descended on the land.

It was quite strange. This was the first time he had seen rain since he came to this Tower Defense world.

And it rained for an entire day.

Looking at the motionless dark clouds, it would probably continue for a few more days.

He did not have the strength to explore the secrets of this Tower Defense world currently.

It was time to think of ways to strengthen himself.