The Power of Crimson Firmament

Pierce was slightly dazed as he looked at the mist that had yet to fully take form.

Wow, really? Tower Defense world? You also differentiate between people?

In the world channel.

[Country T: Finzer]: "Wow, this is the first time we have encountered such a weak invasion mode."

[Country U: Zika]: "It's not weak. It's just that your country's firepower has increased."

[Country E: Tam]: "A thousand level 3 creatures, there's still a boss behind. What's the hurry!?


Pierce felt out of place as he watched their conversation.

Why did he start with 3,000 level 3 creatures?

Although Vivier was indeed a little too strong, why wasn't everyone treated equally?!

Pierce looked at the gradually darkening fog, his expression unchanged.

Grumbling was one thing.

But truthfully, even if the monsters attacked together, with the support of Crimson Firmament, Vivier would definitely not have a problem.