A Hundredfold Land, Planet Blue Expands!

A hundredfold land??

The entire world's viewers watching the live-stream were instantly dumbfounded.

Anyone with some common sense would know that Country M's territory was basically one of the top few.

And now, it is going to increase by a hundred times??

Is this a joke?

Planet Blue was only so big. Won't the entire Planet Blue become Country M's territory after it is multiplied by a hundred times??

Are you trying to turn Planet Blue into Planet Soil?!

The world was coming to an end.

After realizing this, the victorious countries fell into despair.

Including the leaders of Country M.

Their faces slowly froze after the ecstasy.

They were not fools.

Living in Country M, they naturally knew how big their country was.

Pa da!

The blanket in the old man's hand fell to the ground, and the surroundings were silent.

In the Tower Defense world.