Asura Rankings!

As the discussion became more and more intense, many people started a bet.

Most of them had placed bets on Zenus being the first.

As for the other level 4 contestant, could it be Pierce?

After the explanation from the live-stream, they all understood why Pierce always got first place.

Who would have thought that there was actually a level 4 angel beside him?

Many people expressed envy toward Pierce.

Pierce walked into his room after testing his strength.

When he passed Vivier and Mel, he patted their heads.

"As expected, the Older Sister-form is more pleasing to the eyes. There's no way to feel anything with this physique."

Pierce walked into his room with a smile.

How could he not be happy after obtaining 46% of Vivier's strength through the Badge of Bonds?!

This time, he was no longer a weakling.

And that lightning elemental AK-47, couldn't he play with it as he pleased?