Elven Mother Tree!

First, it was the descent of the Dark Town, then the sixth invasion, and now, it was the fusion of an Elven Mother Tree?

Too many things had happened these few days!

Pierce thought with a headache.

These things had appeared one after the other that Pierce felt like he had endless tasks to complete every day.

But the Elven Mother Tree?

Pierce could guess something from the name.

But this was not much of a problem.

With his current force, Pierce was invincible below level 8. Even if the level 8 eight-headed serpent descended again, Pierce was confident that he could survive a move or two.

This was the result of strength. Especially since Vivier could directly advance to level 6 after she finished grasping her level 5 strength.

As a level 5 creature, Vivier could fight a level 6 thousand year Frost Dragon alone.

What if she evolved to level 6?

She might be able to clear Level 7 alone.