The Third Round

The combat power of these elves brought over from the Elven Mother Tree had completely exceeded Pierce's imagination.

And these were only the servants. They had not gone through any training, after all their mission was to serve their queen in the Elven Mother Tree. So, they had great potential to be tapped into.

The battle today had made Pierce formulate a plan for this race.

However, this was a matter for later. For now, it was better to safely end the sixth invasion.

The moonlight was hazy, and the forest was hidden in the fog. The sticky green blood of the ants mixed with the flesh of the taurens.

The air was filled with a pungent smell, making everyone pinch their noses to block the sewer-like smell.

Vivier, who was reading beside Pierce, twitched her nose and then her face darkened.

It smelled terrible.

She used her divine power to block the strange smell.