Lightning Sura vs. Deep Ones

Pierce had only read some of the power of the Great Old Ones in relevant books.

Precisely because he knew about it, he was filled with fear of this power, and it was not something he could afford to provoke.

Pierce slowly turned his gaze to the fish skin monster that was staring at them.

The first thought that this monster gave him was that it was disgust and inexplicable dizziness.

Pierce had read some introductions about them in the legends.

These legendary deep ones were the servants of the Great Old Ones. Ordinary aging could not bring them death at all. Only other external forces could bring them…

This meant that these creatures had a certain level of longevity and were far stronger than other longevity species.

He did not expect to encounter these servants.

Pierce slowly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

If the final boss was really the Great Old One, then Pierce's team would not be enough to fight it.