Facing 10,000 Dead!

The group walked closely but with a fast speed. They soon arrived near the clearing which was located at the edge of the town.

They could see the entire space clearly from their high vantage point. However, after they saw the entire scene, everyone calmed down and fell silent. For a moment, there was no sound.

Was this scene really something that could happen in this instance dungeon? Or had they completely entered the wrong instance dungeon?

Everyone was calmly thinking about what was going on. They were puzzled. Why would such a difficult thing appear in such an instance dungeon?

They suddenly understood why the reward this time was a bottle of Mythical bloodline. After all, with high risks, it would bring them high profits.

However, this kind of high profit had to be exchanged with their lives. Without a doubt, they had no ability to take it in the face of this scene.