Preparing to Hunt the Water God!

Pierce was surprised. Why was there another water god?!

Could that whale be out again? Or was it another whale?

After all, the hint system had given him a hint at that time. That whale was not the only water god.

Moreover, every water god had the same level of strength as it!

Pierce was no longer in the mood to drink tea on the rocking chair. He even threw his fishing rod aside. He had to figure this out.

However, he felt that the mission this time should not be too ridiculous. This was because the current contestants were very weak. They would not be sent to their deaths. Perhaps, it was something else that had the title of water god?!

Pierce suddenly realized that this was a possibility. After all, not to mention all the participants, even Pierce's group would be completely wiped out if they had to face the whale. The chance of winning was almost zero.