Become an Undead!

Pierce locked his gaze on the huge figure hidden under the water. He could now see the huge shadow of the squirming body in the water.

From the looks of it, it was about a few hundred meters long and was on a completely different level from the water god that was a few thousand meters long.

For some reason, Pierce kept thinking of the whale in the deep sea. In the future, he might have to fight that creature. He was not sure if he would have any chance of winning.

At the thought of this, he wanted to quickly increase his strength. After all, if this continued, he really had no chance of winning in the future.

So far, his only way to increase his strength was to increase his bloodline power.

After all, he still had a bottle of the fire dragon bloodline that had not been devoured.

In addition, he had already fused with most of the angel bloodline. Frost bloodline should also be fused in a few days.