The Yolo Hoes

If you ask me, I feel pretty lame waiting beside a wall here. The sun is getting stronger and the bell has long rung. If not for Xiao's suggestion, I wouldn't even think to wait for three delinquent girls climbing and jumping over the wall any time now.

"Do you know Carrie has friends?" Xiao said and shocked me in the middle of our walk back to the teacher's office.

"She doesn't strike me as a person to make friends with," I reply. Carrie is probably that kind of girl who says friends are only useful if they're stupid. But most breathing people are not stupid. Maybe confused or too trustful to others, but not stupid.

Xiao chuckled, "she does. Not a very positive friend, but the trio still are ones. But at least Carrie is not alone around the break period or when she has to do her group assignment."

I mumble, "The trio. Should I have known about them?"