Pay and Play and Lay and Lies.

Pay and Play is a place... how do I describe this... it gives me the vibe of a place you'll see if the sun disappears and we rely on electricity for heat (if that's even possible I don't know, I'm no boring scientist.) Silent and dim. I can hear my footsteps echoes a little. To use another word, it's a lot more like a place for underground gambling but with cool-looking PCs and… I guess christmas lights? Only this one has red, green, and blue colors changing every ten seconds.

"This place sucks," I say, rubbing my nose. This place is also dusty. I point at the lights, "Why are they using Christmas lights here?"

Carrie, who is walking in front of me, gets her ear twitched. She turns around and follows my eyes. Christmas lights...? And with a 'what the fuck' expression she says, "Yo, that's not a Christmas light. That's like the most boomer shit anyone could say."

Her neck bends forward.

That's not a Christmas light?


The hell is--