Don't Own Them Anything

When I return to the god forsaken Pay and Play Cyber Cafe, none of the people there turns to look or greet me . At first, I thought I have finally become invisible and started my hentai-scenarios life. But it turns out, the girls are just busy. . . shooting .

" Welcome back. " Fuck turns to look and greets at me.

No. I know what I said. Fuck isn't what I consider 'the people', he's fuck. Get it? Not trying to be mean but . . . yeah, I was trying to be mean. Fuck is just fun to insult you know?

Because he actually eats them.

After completely ignoring Fuck , I walk to the rows and start to give each of them a…what I say Sad Set: a ramen and soda. The first person I had to pass is Fatty.

I put the set on the side of her keyboard.