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What A Match!

"No, I don't have a daughter and even if I do I would still think she's the most beautiful woman in the world."

I don't know where or why is Fuck talks about his desperation for having a daughter. I never say anything to him. He did this twice now, talking as if I asked him something.

I didn't.

And I don't think I will, because I don't care. Your life has nothing to do with me. The girls are.

So I say, "Shut up, Fuck. I don't care. I didn't even ask if you have one."

"Aw, thought you want to know."

"I don't."

Unless you want to give her life to me, for free of course. Or maybe we can make a deal, with discounts. Oh, but I don't take a wife. So don't expect anything else. What am I talking about? That's you to figure about. If I am going to have a wife, it wouldn't be too human. Ah yes, I'm a bit of nitpicker myself, for example, I prefer dying on my own accord instead of waiting for someone to stab or disease gets me.

"Ohohoh, you're funny."