I Try Chemistry - Shizuka

"Why, Sunbae? Afraid of trying?" Shizuka begins to tease. She deliberately put her hands behind her back on her butt.. Just waiting for me to pounce. But sadly, Mei is still here. I don't think she wants to see me doing something naughty to her companionship. Though I knew deep in her heart she also wanted to see Shizuka cry and suffer. I want to see tears in those smirking eyes of her

But I don't hurt people. People hurt themselves so I don't have a reason to do it myself. But Some people just don't realize this and they do unnecessary, planning on revenge.

People are automatically killing themselves.

Mei catches my glance, and she sweats. Water glides down her nose. Her hands are trembling. But she keeps her eyes fixed on me.

Her lips are quivering. She seems to want to say something.

Shizuka complains at me, "Look what you did to Mei? Sop being so weird and glance at us."

Woah now. It's better than me staring.

Mei mouth moves.


Both of us turn to her.
