Talking about

After finishing my morning shower, I went to Satria's house to ask her to do group work.

"This is what you eat first, son," said the mother from the kitchen

"Yes mom, after this I want to work in groups, Mom" ​​I said

Mother prepared my favorite fried rice, very simple with spices that seemed perfunctory but very delicious.

Dad came out of the room and ate together this morning, dad was off today and usually dad would play badminton with his friends.

After eating breakfast, I gave permission to my father and mother to go to Satria's house.

Sunday mornings are very crowded with people exercising, with partners or alone.

My cellphone rings, it turns out that Satria is calling me.

"Hello Yan" said Satria

"Yes hello, why Satria?" I say

"You're here right?" said Satria

"Yes, this is on the way" I said

"Oiya a lot of vehicle noise haha" said Satria with a small laugh

"Yeah, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to your house," I said

The call stopped. I continued my journey. When I arrived at Satria's house, I immediately called Satria from outside the house

"Excuse me, Satria" I said

"Yes, who is it?" said a middle-aged woman

The woman opened the gate and smiled kindly at me.

"What do you want?" said the woman

"There is a Satria, mother?" I say

"Yes, I will call you a moment," said the woman

Satria also came out of the house holding his cellphone which seemed to be playing a game.

"You've arrived," said Satria

"Are you still playing the game? I said

"He bears this," said Satria

"Whose house are we working in groups?" I say

"At Rio's house, but I don't know, my child hasn't replied yet," said Satria

"You know his house?" I say

"I don't know, later he said he was shareloc," said Satria

"Well, wait for him to reply," said Satria

"That was your mother, Satria?" I say

"Yes," said Satria with his gaze still focused on the cellphone

"Satria's friend told him to come in," said Satria's mother in a high tone from inside the house

"Come in, Yan," said Satria

Satria's mother also served me food

"want to eat first, have you eaten yet"? said Satria's mother

"I'm home ma'am" I said

"Try mom's cooking," said Satria's mother

"Yes mom" I said softly

I also tasted some of Satria's mother's food because I had breakfast at home. The taste of Soto made by Satria's mother is very good, but I actually miss the soup made by my own mother, because for me, as delicious as the food outside, it is much tastier made by my mother.

After Satria finished playing the game, I finished eating Satria's mother's cooking.

"I'll take a shower first," said Satria with a small laugh

"Busket you haven't showered since earlier?" I say

"I'm really sorry" said Satria

"Yeah, I'm waiting, you take a quick shower" I said

Satria walked to the bathroom, then he returned to the front of his house.

"Why again Satria?" I say

"Forgot to take a towel" said Satria

He walked back to the bathroom, the clock showed 10:00 and the day was getting late, the sun was getting hotter and hotter. I thought that today might be a long day.

Because I also want to play internet cafe with Satria after we finish our group work.

Satria was ready and tidy to go to group work at Rio's house.

"Come on Yan" said Satria

"Have you shared the loc? I said

"Come on, I'll tell you the way later," said Satria

We also said goodbye to Satria's mother and we immediately left for Rio's house. On the way we talked happily.

"How long have you been waiting for me to take a shower?" said Satria with a small laugh

"I want to go on my pilgrimage" I said

"So what?" said Satria

"You've been waiting so long, what are you doing in the bathroom?" I say

"Yes, take a shower," said Satria

"Are you doing weird things?" I say

"Where is there" said Satria

"I saw you going to the bathroom with your cellphone" I said

"Yes, let me set the music" said Satria

"Oh, I thought I was watching an adult movie," I said with a laugh.

We laughed together, along the way we continued to chat, while Satria showed directions to Rio's house. When we arrived at Rio's house, it turned out that we were late because two of my other friends had arrived before us, our group contained 5 people. Syawal, Rio, Haviz, including me and Satria.

"Assalamualaikum" I said

"It's a very old shit, you coy" said Rio

"I've been waiting for Satria to take a long shower," I said

"Wow, he must have done something wrong in the bathroom," said Syawal

"It's a habit," said Rio

"Damn it, where is there a cave like that," said Satria

"What's so bad, you were told to wait for Yan? said Rio

"Yeah, when I came he was still playing the game" I said

"I'm going to be you, I'll just live," said Rio

We laughed together, then Rio's mother served us food and drinks. Rio took his laptop and put it in front of us, then Rio turned on his laptop.

"Making ppt or word?" said Satria

"My mother told me to ppt" I said

"Yes, I have compiled the material first," said Rio

We also shared tasks, luckily my group of friends were diligent in doing the work, even though Satria was lazy but he still joined us in doing group assignments, Satria also took part in finding and typing every content of the ppt we made.

When all the ppt arrangements are neat, we immediately store and tidy up the laptop.

Then we ate a meal together that Rio's mother had prepared.

"Wow, it's great to eat meatballs," said Satria teasingly

"You've eaten, don't be shy, Satria," said Rio

"Oiya, obviously this has to be brushed," said Satria

"After this, it's good, yo" said Haviz

"It's okay, it's just right for the five of them" I said

"Yes, we play moba," said Syawal

After we finished eating the food, the Zuhur call to prayer sounded, the four of you except Satria went to the mosque and prayed, after we got home from the mosque, we immediately started the moba game.

"Satria cupu ah lazy" Rio said mockingly

"Yeh, you're dead," said Satria

"Yeh you're the same" Rio said replying to Satria's joke

We laughed together, but it was getting late and the sun was starting to set, so we got ready to go home.

"Do you want to pack the food, Satria?" Rio said teasingly

"Yes," said Satria

"Ma, this is Satria wanting to pack food" Rio said in a high tone into the house.

Rio's mother came out carrying food

"Here, who wants to pack it," said Rio's mother

"That's Satria ma, he's not full he said" said Rio with a laugh

"No, ma'am, just kidding, it's just Rio on the stove," said Satria embarrassed

"It's okay, just bring it, son," said Rio's mother

We were also brought food one person one by one from Rio's mother, Satria laughed because his joke was taken seriously by Rio's mother. We said goodbye and headed straight home.