Happen Will Not Again

Jefri took me home on his motorbike, for some reason looking at Jefri's back I felt sad about what would happen in the future. I saw him lying covered in blood and made him leave the world.

"No, that can't happen again." I closed my eyes and said to myself.

"You've arrived home, you have fun riding with my motorbike." Jefri turned to face me.

"Eh….Yeah.. Ehm… No." I was confused and embarrassed to answer his question.

Suddenly my mother approached me and Jefri " Jefri, let's go here."

Jefri then got off his motorbike and then kissed my mother's hand.

"It turns out you can be polite too huh." I mocked.

Jefri with a funny facial expression faced me and said "it's okay if you think I'm a person?' Then he returned to my mother and said "Sorry ma'am I promise to go here again by sometime, now I have business".

"Oh, be careful." my mother replied.

I don't know what business Jefri is taking care of. Suddenly I remembered the group of Jefri's friends that I saw during Math class. Before I asked Jefri already got on his motorbike and drove fast, leaving me and my mother.

At night when I was studying, it suddenly crossed my mind to summarize Math which is very easy to understand and the tips and tricks for Jefri. I don't know why I do this so late at night.

Night had turned into morning, I suddenly looked for Jefri after arriving at school.

"Ehm..is he late or already in class." I thought but apparently I saw the figure of Jefri sitting in the garden gazebo holding a comic book. I immediately approached and said "Read that textbook once in a while."

Jefri just glanced at me and started to say "What are you looking for, you miss me?."

Suddenly my heart was beating fast and I started to say "No, you're really cool, here I've made a Math summary for you." I said as I handed over the notebook I had written yesterday. Jefri accepted and then continued reading the comic again.

I immediately shouted in his ear "Read not to be ignored." I said angrily.

"Yes, yes." Jefri then closed his comic and started reading the notebook I gave him and then he turned to me with a big smile.

"Thank you." Jefri said.

I suddenly felt very happy and smiled back while nodding.

The bell then rang signaling the start of class. I, who was used to sitting in the back seat near the window, and Jefri right beside me, who was sleeping, didn't listen to the teacher teaching the lesson until it was finished. After class was over and I was packing my books suddenly Michael came up to me.

"You can meet me behind the school after school." He stroked my hair which I hastily avoided and then I turned to Jefri who suddenly woke up looking at us. This incident is repeated the Michael will express his feelings.

"Okay." I said.

Suddenly when Michael left, Ani, one of the girls in the class came up to me and said "Michael is cool, he can do this, he can do that, all subjects can be, sports boy, music boy, handsome, lucky if you are with him. Many girls like him." he said.

I laughed a little and started to think "He's a playboy if you only knew how many girls out of school and that past events would never happen again."And suddenly I caught a glimpse of Jefri looking at me and then looking down after being caught by me.

The school bell has rung, I meet Michael behind the school. Michael had been waiting for me exactly as he had in the past.

"Fan, I want to say that I like you from the start I was amazed and wanted to date you, do you want it or not" Michael's words were exactly the same as in the past, at that time I was very happy that the person I admired also liked me but suddenly my mind said "No, this will not happen again."

"Sorry Michael I don't like you, fix yourself first." I then left him and he shouted "What do you mean?" But I kept on leaving him and headed for the wall-covered side turn. Jefri was seen leaning while standing.

"What are you doing here." I said

"Just want to get some fresh air" he smiled happily and then he took my hand and said "Come on."

I didn't ask again where he took me to go with him and left Michael alone behind the school.

I will never repeat the incident with Michael and destroy me because of his betrayal, it will not happen again. I stayed away from Jefri because of Michael's jealous attitude towards Jefri. Suddenly it crossed my mind "Did Jefri also eavesdrop on the time when Michael expressed his feelings to me and I accepted it leave him alone behind the school and he continues to wait." I continued to stare at Jefri who held my hand until the roof of the old school building was no longer in use.