Your hands

For some reason, since the incident, many have been talking about Jefri and many girls have seen him and admired him. Jefri still as usual ignores them all and he is getting more and more diligent and can answer all the teacher's questions in class while others are confused with the answers. Jefri's drastic change made many wonder.

For some reason today I lost track of Jefri who left me first when the recess bell rang.

"Surely if not in the music room, the roof of the old school or behind the school." I thought. I then searched the music extracurricular room. Many boys practice playing music but Jefri's figure is nowhere to be seen. I then headed to the back of the school and suddenly heard a voice.

" Are you sure?" someone asked Michael.

"Yeah, you think I'm lying to you, no, I'm annoyed with him too." Michael said again.

"God job, spying on him we will deter him because he has made all our plans fail, what does he mean by disturbing us and his gang." The guy then drove his motorbike, leaving Michael behind.

"He… Gank… what does that mean? What plan will Michael devise?, For whom?" I thought and saw Michael going back to school to where I am now. I quickly hide and my heart beats fast. Finally the class bell rang, I went back to class and saw Jefri already sitting on his bench.

"Where have you been?" I said.

"Owh earlier on the roof feeding the cat while looking at the sky." Said Jeffrey.

Somehow crossed my mind about what I heard earlier but I did not find the answer. After school Jefri took me home together along the quiet corridor we both walked and he started saying "Sunday let's go again."

''where ?" I said

"Wherever you want to go."Jefri said smiling at me.

"Ah,,,,let's go to the Florist bookstore, I want to buy some textbooks and novel series that I like." I said.

"Good idea, I also want to buy the newest comic in the series." Said Jeffrey.

Sunday has arrived, we made an appointment in front of the bookstore. For some reason I had a bad feeling from that trip to the bookstore and then I decided to run and the three big guys who were following me came running after me. I kept running and a hand grabbed me and gripped me tightly behind his body and the wall while looking at the man who was running around looking for me. Somehow I feel calm when I meet him now.

Jefri kept an eye on the three people while I looked at Jefri and felt he was someone who could be trusted to protect me and truly genuinely loved me.

"Are you okay?" Jefri held my shoulder looking worried as he turned to me.

"No...I..." Before I could finish my sentence, the three big boys noticed the two of us and ran towards us. Jefri then tightly gripped my small hand in his warm big hand and we ran together with a destination I didn't know where.