Miss You

I suddenly woke up from what I had been through. The sun was blinding my eyes behind the bedroom window. I saw around me that there were still memorabilia scattered, all of which were gifts from you and the photos I shared with Jefri. I lay down again on the mattress staring at the ceiling of the roof flashed your image that I can no longer meet. I wish I could continue to spend the days with you like what I experienced before when I woke up from my beautiful dream.

I closed my eyes and then it crossed my mind to meet you, tell you everything what I went through even though I know that you probably won't answer all my complaints again. An hour later after tidying myself and my room I rushed to the door and found Michael waiting in front of the fence while standing. Then I approached him.

"Fania, I'm sorry…" Michael suddenly said.

"Don't apologize to me… apologize to Jefri's mother and go to her funeral and tell her." I said quietly while lowering my face.

"I'm sorry for cheating on you…because….why are you close to Jefri…I just want you to pay attention to me but you're getting farther and farther away and finally we broke up and everything happened because of my mistake…I will surrender myself so that everyone can be revealed who the people are- people involved that day."

"You're their spy, right?" I concluded

"How did you know?' Michael looked at me intently.

"Never mind I want to go." I left him alone and I kept walking to meet the person who meant the most to me.

"Jef, I'm coming." I arrived at the cemetery where Jefri was buried and started to sow the flowers I had bought before going to his grave.

"There are many things I want to say to you but maybe I can't tell you anymore….Honestly behind my deepest heart I miss you." Suddenly my tears fell and without Fania knowing the spirit of Jefri who was dressed in white was standing behind her trying to comfort her but she couldn't hold her shoulder and stroked Fania's head. A few seconds later Jefri disappeared and Fania looked back.

"I think I can feel your presence. Do you miss me as much as I miss you?" Fania spoke to herself and then left the place.