Past Time With You

I then circled the school to the places I used to go when I was with you when I didn't do Time Leap, when I regretted everything that had happened because of you leaving I felt something was missing. I then headed to the place where we met for the first time during school orientation "Do you still remember that, Jef." My answer is in front of the school field which is near the main gate of the school. At that time we boys and girls lined up and then faced each other. At that time I didn't think that for the first time I was dealing with you, only one meter between you and me and we just looked at each other without words. I still remember the look on your face at that time, the blink of your eyes and the sharpness of your eyesight and then the seniors ordered the line of girls who entered the class first and I left you without any more words between me and you. It turned out that the class had been divided into several class groups and I ended up parting with you and not seeing you again because I never saw you again at school until one day in my second year student. I then went to class where I met you and became closer to you. The building was right in front of the school basketball court and then I walked along the corridor and when I opened the classroom door it was still locked and I couldn't open it but all the memories flashed.

At that time "Fania,,,,, Jefri ..." I read the names of the class division announcements in the second grade of high school. There was your name under my name and then I entered the class and didn't think I was in the back seat and sat next to you it's just that at that time you were sleeping facing my seat and I was just busy looking at the window to see the outside and then I turned to you and you arrived - suddenly woke up and see me. I can feel the same gaze the first time I met you and then you sat down because the teacher came in the classroom. Even though we sat next to each other we never spoke until one day you said to me "May I borrow a pen, I forgot my pen." For the first time you spoke with a smile on your face to me. I then handed over my pen and then you said "Thank you" Yes this class has a lot of memories, all about you and how I got close to you is practically close enough to go through everything together before I met someone named Michael in my third year of high school. I passed through the corridor again and headed for Jefri's motorbike parking while at school at that time I remember you always parked your bike in front of the building where our class was, when I was going home from school you always asked me to go home together "let's go home with me, Fan." You said while handing over the helmet. Until I innocently asked "Why do you often accompany me go home?" and with your annoying answer, "I'm afraid you'll be in trouble, for example, if someone kidnaps you, you're so short again." No guilt at all to make fun of me.

Then I went to the basketball court, this place is full of memories. You always invite me to play basketball every Sunday, teach me how to play from dribbling, throwing to shooting. We often fight over basketball but then there's one incident where you ask something in third year when you already know how I feel about Michael. At that time we were both in the field sitting under a shady tree and the sun was dazzling and you asked something that now I can understand what your question means "Fan, if you like someone who is close to you, always be with you what do you do?" will you do?"

I without thinking said "Tell me, who do you really like?" I asked again while looking at him. Jefri said again "No, I'm just asking for my friend."

"It doesn't matter to you, you also immediately find a girlfriend so you don't look like people don't sell hahahaha." I said back. Jefri just laughed and started to say

"What if the person you like turns out to like someone else and it turns out that he used to be your best friend." Jeffrey said again.

I then turned to Jefri and then I started to say "Sometimes we really can't control our hearts to like who and whether we should be with him, of course not always but if the person you like likes your best friend and your best friend also likes him what can you do? ? wouldn't it be better to stay away and let them be happy."

Jefri turned to me for a moment, his gaze was sad and then looked down but then he said to me again "Yes, I hope that person is happy with whoever is important, that's enough with her."

It feels like remembering it all made me realize that it was the time when you asked me about you but I didn't realize "I'm sorry Jef." My mind and I started to wipe the tears that suddenly dripped down my cheeks. Then I went to the school canteen where I always eat with you and you always try to invite me here even though I'm busy with school activities. "So you don't get sick, let's eat." I still remember every word you said when you brought me here.

Then I went to the UKS Room, yes I still remember you treating my feet and treating the wounds of Michael's mistress here. "I just realized that you're always trying to make me okay and you're always worried if something happens to me." My mind speaks.

I don't know why suddenly the story in the second year of high school is so beautiful where I always feel cheerful without any sadness because you always cheer me up and make me feel better by being myself until all the stories change in my third year at this high school.

I still remember reading the announcement when I was with you, at that time I was very happy that you were in my class "Jef, we are in the same class." I shouted at him and you just looked at the bulletin board. My name was clearly visible, then Jefri's name was below me and Michael's name was under Jefri's name. Jefri was just silent when I said that and then he turned and said "Fan, later the bench will be like in yesterday's class, don't separate from me, okay?" I don't know why maybe it's your request that I'm always close and with you and I say yes because you are my best friend I've ever had since this school.

Michael who is in my class makes many girls admire and like him, including me. Often Jefri watched me look at Michael and one day asked "Why do you keep looking at him."

"Ah,,, it's okay." I quickly acted normal because many children were listening to me and suddenly Michael saw me and then looked at Jefri with hateful eyes.

I then pulled Jefri behind the school and said "Why do you say that out loud I'm embarrassed."

Jefri said "I'm just asking, do you like Michael?"

I then replied "How do you know that I like Michael, Yes I do like him but promise not to talk to anyone because only you with know." I raised my pinky and then he started to lift his little finger and said quietly with a sad look he looked disappointed but I still don't know what made him like that.

"Yes I promise." Jefri said and then said back "Will Michael tell you his feelings later, will you accept it? , will you and I be able to play together again or be friends like now?" Jefri while looking up at the sky the white clouds were moving and the trees were shedding their dry leaves.

"What are you talking about?, yes I accept because I really like him and for sure we are still friends and together, let's say you also quickly find a girlfriend there, you also have someone you like, right?." I said

Now I regret what I said in the past because now I know that you are and always are waiting for me to understand your true feelings. Until one day Michael approached my desk and wanted to ask me to meet behind the school. At that time Michael expressed his feelings and immediately I said "Yes I want to."

Michael with a beaming face took my hand and then we left together and without my knowledge it turned out that Jefri heard everything and could only wait behind the thick trees and the cold wind.

Suddenly memories of when I was dating Michael flashed through my mind. Since then Michael is very possessive of me and doesn't allow me to be close to Jefri so "Jef, sorry from today on please don't pick me up again, don't ask me out again." I told him when he came to pick me up in front of the fence wanting to take me to the Florist bookstore. "Um, then I'll go to the bookstore alone." Jefri replied with a smile but he looked disappointed.

I couldn't help but nod and look at Michael coming when Jefri had just left. " Let's get out." Michael asked me out and along the way he was just silent and then while in the park he grabbed my hand roughly and pushed me then . Michael looked very angry and said "I told you not to go near him."

"I've done it why are you angry with me." I said

"The proof is he still comes to your house." Michael rudely said back.

Since that day my attitude towards Jefri started to change, I didn't care anymore even though we were sitting next to each other until one day when I was walking in a quiet corridor in the afternoon when I was spending my time in the school library doing my homework, "Come with me" Jefri took my hand and we go back to school. His grip was so warm it made me feel no pain.

"Why are we so far away?" Jefri asked and a strong gust of wind made the trees move and shed their leaves.

"Jef, I beg you from now on don't ever come near me again, stay away from my life. Michael and I are already happy, I'm afraid he's misunderstood you and I want to be with Michael."

Jefri then let go of his hand and smiled then said "If that's what you want, fine, hahaha I'm just afraid something will happen to you because you are now silent and don't think you have a problem."

"Come to class." Jefri said again with a smile

"You're not in class." I said.

'I'm going to be absent." Jefri then left me alone behind a shady tree and a gust of wind was seen behind your back which was getting farther and farther away.

Since that incident, Jefri has often skipped until one day a girl came to me in front of the school and was going to slap me until Jefri came and held the girl's hand and shook it "Don't be rude to her."

The girl then left and I cried then Jefri took me to the roof of the old school which was no longer in use I told him everything and Jefri then treated the wound on my face and wiped my tears with the cloth he brought.

"It's already cheerful, don't cry anymore, happy you are the one who decides so don't make all problems sad because you have the right to be happy." Jefri said as he turned to me after tidying up his medical equipment. Since then my relationship with Michael has not been good because he cheated on the girl who met me yesterday and not only that girl who met me many girls came to me and revealed everything.

"Okay, let's break up." In the quiet corridor I told Michael and Michael was going to slap me and the shape of the hands and back covered me. "Jefri" I then ran and cried and I don't know what Jefri did to Michael I don't care anymore.

I went to the roof of the old school and there I suddenly thought of jumping from above until suddenly someone called me "Fan…..don't do that,,,there are still many people who love you…listen to me you still have the right to continue your life to the fullest Cheer up, don't just because of a breakup, you want to end your life…Come on, hold my hand, let's go through it together today." Jefri reached out his hand and I turned around. Suddenly my hand grabbed Jefri's hand and then Jefri told me to just scream when annoyed and he took me to the hill to see the stars and we both screamed together.

Since then Jefri and I became close again and we spent the days until the graduation announcement exam and Jefri's name was at the top. Jefri then congratulated me and I congratulated him he took me to the back of the school and said "tomorrow is my birthday, you don't give me a present where is my present?" Jefri reached out his hand asking for something.

"What do you want?" I said again

"Come on out later you know what I want." He smiled and he asked me to go and I agreed.

That night it suddenly rained, "Jef….sorry I can't come. We meet at any time,,, later when we meet I will also send a gift for you. happy birthday to you tomorrow" I texted him. And Fania never knew that Jefri had prepared everything to express his feelings to her but two days later Jefri had not contacted me and then when I saw the television station and it was clear that you were dead on a deserted street covered in blood. . And when I approached Jefri's funeral, Jefri's mother took me to a quiet place and told me everything "He often talks about you, he wants you to wear this and give this." Jefri's mother gave us a twinkling star-shaped bracelet and a photo album of the two of us. At that time I cried when Jefri's mother said "He likes you Fan." And now all that's left is my regret to you that I can't possibly repeat to bring you back with the times I left and you that I missed when you were here in the same world and now you and I are in a world with another different side.